Chapter 3 - The West Side

Start from the beginning

I waited at Morgan’s forever. I wasn’t going to walk, even if my parents never came I refuse to walk. I look back now and can’t believe how mad I was at them, leaving messages on their phone sounding like a snob. If I only knew, that I would never see them again. If I only knew that they were in the car which had fallen in a ditch on the side of a road dead because of a colission. If I knew that I would have to give up everything then parhapes I wouldn't have taken it for granted. That’s why I hate life on the West End... it’s a reminder. A reminder of how my selfishness, led me to where I am today... an orphan with only my brother. I deserved the life I had in the east, the West was only full of memories that would haunt me forever.

 We walked up the huge staircase in the front entrance then we turned down a hallway with four doors in it. I remembered this house from when I was younger. When I was forced to play with Cassie. The first door was the bathroom, the second was Max‘s bedroom, the door at the end was Cassie’s bedroom and the lonely one on the left side was the guest room which is now, my new bedroom.

They opened the door and I saw the beautiful interior: a big queen sized bed (it was better than the cot I was used to sleeping on it the East End), stuffed with comfy looking pillows. The room was a mint green and there was decorations matched it perfectly. Honestly, I think a part of me missed this luxorious life because when they left the room, I ran and dived for the bed. Rolling around the bed taking it all in. I caught myself enjoying it got up and then threw my belongings in a corner. There was a dresser and a walk in closet, but I wanted to feel like I was at home. I wanted it to feel like I was still living with Josh. Like it wasn’t my fault he went to jail. I still couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t see my big brother for at least six months. I know it could be worse, but still he is pretty much all I had in my life and now he is gone too. I heard a knock on my door which brought me back to the reality. I stood up and answered it and standing at the door was Cassie.

“Hi Cassie, can I help you?” I grumbled, irritated at the fact that I haven't been here for ten minutes and she's already annoying me.

“It’s Cassandra now and my mom wanted me to tell you dinner is ready,” she jutted out her chin.

“Okay, thanks” I stared at her, I knew me and Cassandra weren’t going to get along because we never did and we probably never will. I followed her back down the stairs, through the living room then past some doors which I didn't recognize and into the dinning room... or hall as I would call it. The table was extremely long and the ceiling stretched high above our heads. The only issue was there wasn’t much food, or any good food. You could tell they were on diets because the portions were small and there were salads everywhere in quiant china bowls. I knew this was going to be an awkward dinner but I couldn't imagine anything in this house that wasn't going to be at least slightly awkward. I sat down next to Cassie.

“We can start now, now that everyone's arrived.” My aunt Judith stated, trying to point out that I took so long and held everyone up.

“Finally!” I heard Max exclaim under his breath. Max is my cousin, he's ten. I wonder what they call him now, since his actual name is Max. My Uncle Chuck picked of his fork and didn’t make eye contact with any of us again, he was busy filling up on what was on offer. I didn’t like anything on the table, while I grew up with Josh we always barbecued meat and then roasted it over a bonfire or we ordered take out. We were a meat family but now most meat that was here, was the bacon bits in the Caesar salad.

“So, Jennifer let's go over the rules that we have here."

“Jenny” I corrected her but she just ignored me and kept talking. Throughout the whole of dinner she talked about the rules. There was so many! What the hell was this- a school? Josh only had two: let him know where I was staying over at night and keep the beer in the fridge so it doesn’t get skunked. Now my aunt on the other hand, has plenty like: we had to pick up after ourselves, keep our rooms clean, be in the house by ten at night and in bed by twelve, do all our homework, no drugs, no boys in the bedroom, no drinking, do your own laundry, no bullying Cassie or Max, no sleepovers on school nights, they had to meet all my friends, let them know where I am at all times, no drawing on the walls (what was I five?), you weren't allowed to wear inappropriate clothes, no piercing and finally my name is Jennifer.

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