I went down the slide on the jungle gym and walked over to the big tree near the edge of the park. I quickly climbed up and sat on a big branch near the top. I liked being on high things, trees, ladders, roofs, I think you get the point. It makes me feel like I’m the top of the world and nothing can hurt me.

From my spot of sitting, I could see Kyle drawing on a sketch pad at the picnic table, Hayden was swinging on the swings talking to Jacob, and Parker was laying on top of the monkey bars just staring at the sky. Everyone actually looked like there were having a decent time. There was a smile on everyone’s face that I could see. That made me smile because we were all getting really depressed and boring.

“Mommy look! It’s my friend!” The little boy shouted from the bottom of the tree. His mother gave him ‘the look’ for pointing me out. She probably thought it was rude or something.

“Hi bud.” I smiled down at him. His face lit up. His mother sighed and walked away obviously figuring that this was a lost cause.

“My names Damen.” He yelled up.

“Im Rage.”

“Can I come up there?” He asked giving me the cutes puppy eyes I have ever seen.

“Sure, but I’m going to come lower, I don’t need you getting hurt.” He laughed a little and gave a cute smile. Little kids are awesome.

Hayden’s P.o.V

“So, any girls you know that catch you eye?” I asked Jacob, who blushed and turned away from me.


“Your red cheeks tell me otherwise.” I smirked. He was so busted.

“You asked if it was a girl.” He said quietly. I didn’t get it.

“I don’t get it.” I voice my thought.

“Dude, I’m bi.” He smiled sheepishly. I was shocked, I didn’t know Jake was bi!


“Yeah, I’ll leave if you want.” He sighed and started to stand up.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down onto his swing. “No, don’t leave. I’m bi too, it’s not a big deal.”

“No way! Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Jacob’s face was shocked, but relieved at the same time.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I smirked.


“So who’s this guy you have your eye on then?” I asked, really wanting to know who my best friend had a crush on, plus the fact I kind of like him too.

“Oh, just a guy, you know.” He said vaguely, flicking his wrist.

I rolled my eyes, “come on! You can tell me.”

“No! It’s going to be weird since it’s you I like.”  His voice got really quiet at the end, so I didn’t hear him.

“Uh… Say that again.”

“I like you.” He was a little louder, but I still didn’t catch what he said.

He groaned, “Hayden, It’s you who I like!”

“Seriously!?” I was suddenly beyond happy. Jacob just blushed crazily and nodded his head, his glasses sliding to the end of his nose.

“Glad the feelings are mutual.” I smirked. His eyes lit up like a little kid in a candy shop.

My life just got better.

Parker’s P.o.V

He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes, started making his way past 2 in the morning. He hasn’t been sober for days. Leaning now into the breeze room remembering Sunday he falls to his knees they had breakfast together but two eggs don’t last like the feeling of what he needs, now this place seems familiar to him.” I sang softly to myself as I sat on top of the monkey bars.

Even if we were supposed to be here to forget about Bree, and all the pain we were in, I just couldn’t. She was the only thing on my mind. I knew that I had to break up with her when she woke up. I’m sure she would break up with me anyway, so in reality I was saving myself from even worse pain.

I’m sure breaking up with her is going to ruin our relationship for awhile. Who would want to be friends with a guy who dumps you right after you get out of a coma? I’m sure if I was her, I wouldn’t want to be my friend either.

I felt water on my face and knew I was crying, again. That seems to be all I do. As soon Bree crosses my mind, which happens almost every minute, I start to cry, or at least tear up. I’m just a softy. I can’t help it. She made me whole, she made me one, but now I’m getting rid of that part of me. I have too, it’s for her own good.

And now I wish that she meant something. and now I wish that she meant something, to somebody else. And now I wish she met someone, and now I wish that she meant something to somebody else.” I sang again. I changed the lyrics from ‘something’ to make my situation fit. But it was true. I did wish she mean something to somebody else other than me.

I can’t handle the fact that I might be the one to crush her after she becomes well again. This is going to be one of the shittiest times of my life.

Third Persons P.o.V

Kyle continued to draw his picture for Bree. The picture was Parker carrying her on his shoulder when they all first met. The picture was beautiful, and the detail was amazing. Kyle was very proud of it.

Rage and his little friend, Damon, had fun in the tree. Rage got to feel what it’s like to be an older brother, which was new for him because he was an only child. Damon made him feel special. He looked up to Rage as the older brother he wished he had. Needless to say, Rage dropped his ass-hole ways.

Hayden and Jacob became closer after sharing one of their biggest secrets with each other. Confessing they both liked each other opened up new possibilities for the two. They had plans on going out tomorrow, just the two of them. They weren’t telling the rest of the group yet because they weren’t sure they wanted to see where it would go first.

Parker was the only one who didn’t have a good day. He continued to sing sad songs and cry on top of the monkey bars. Thoughts about how he would break up with Bree were running through his mind. He wanted to do it gently, for his sake and hers. However he still didn’t know how he was going to do it. He had never had a true girlfriend before. Unfortunately he knew this was going to be the hardest thing he had done so far.

After the park the boys drove home. Kyle in the driver seat, Rage had shotgun, and Hayden, Jacob, and Parker had the back seat. Little to everyone’s knowledge, Hayden and Jacob were holding hands.

As the boys got closer to the school they all were hit with the same depressing reality, Bree still wasn’t going to be here. They all knew life was still going to be a miserable hell until she got back.

How fun they all thought.

Alone In A Sea of BoysWhere stories live. Discover now