"So what class do we have first?" I asked the three. We had all our classes together.

"Math." Rage replied angrily.

"Awe fuck." I groaned. I hate math, it's stupid, dumb, fucked, and annoying.

"Actually it's not that bad, the teacher really slack." Parker reasoned.

"Not as slack as the English teach though." Hayden smirked.

"Yay! Slack teachers in the shit classes!" I cheered sarcastically.

"Aren't you a call of sunshine." Rage smirked.

"Bite me." I retorted.

"Gladly." He replied.

                                                  * After * School * 

I was walking back to my dorm when I ran straight into someone.

"Watch where your going." The mystery dude replied with no emotion in his voice.

"Make me." I replied as I stood up and dusted my ass off.

"Just fuck off." He replied walking away. 

"Ass hole." I muttered angrily as I started making my way back to my dorm. I walked past a group of boys, they were obviously talking about me because they stopped right as I came by.

"Hey sexy." A voice said. The voice was actually familiar to me.

I looked the guy over, and recognized the eyes.The guy was Clayton! I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Well, tried to walk away. Clayton my shoulder making me stop in my tracks.

"Don't fuckin' walk away from me when I'm talking to you." He said quietly. His voice was dangerous. His grip was killer but I didn't show any sign of pain.

"I'll do what I want, thank you very much." I retorted, glaring daggers at the ass hole.

"No. You won't." he spat slapping me hard across his face. His crew of friends all 'ooed'. 

At first I didn't do anything, I just stood there.

"Learn your lesson?" Clay smirked.

"Nope." I replied as I punched him square in the jaw. 

"You little bitch!" He cried out, lunging at me. I easily dodged him and punched him again but this time in the ribs. I heard a faint cracking sounds. Cracked ribs. That made me smirk.

"Ow, mother fucker." Clay groaned. He was doubled over holding his side with his hand holding his side.

"Learned your lesson?" I asked mocking him.

"Fuck. You." He replied quietly. I smirked and walked away.

"You'll pay for this!" He yelled, sorta, after me.

"Sure you will." I replied sarcastically over my shoulder.


Ass hole.


"So you legit beat up Clayton?" Parker asked as he sat down on my lap. 

"Yup!" I said popping the 'p'.

"He's like one of the toughest guys here." Hayden added sitting on the bean bag chair.

"I could take him." Rage scoffed as he sat beside me on the couch.

"Right..." Parker rolled his eyes with his oh soo cute smile.

"It's not like you could." Rage muttered under his breath. I just shook my head.

"Parker?" I asked sweetly.


"Why the fuck are you sitting on me?!"

"You looked comfy." He shrugged.

"Oh I see." I said slowly, still not sure about the whole thing.

Everyone was quiet for a little while, just watching the TV. Finally Hayden started talking again.

"We should get to know each other better."

"Defiantly!" We all agreed.

"So should we just play like, truth or something?" Hayden asked.

"Yah sure." I said. We all sat on the floor in a small circle.

"Rules?" Parker asked looking at Rage.

"You have to say the name of the person your asking the question too before you ask the question, If you don't answer the question you get a dare, and any question goes." Rage stated. We all nodded our heads.

Rage started the questions "Bree, why did you come to this school?" 

"I was caught trying to slit a guy's neck with a knife after he tried to beat up my friend." I shrugged.

"Damn! That's crazy! Who know you had it in you." Parker laughed. Yah, he's one to talk!

I just shrugged again. "Yah. Hayden, what's the worst thing that you ever did?"

He looked down and smiled sheepishly "Burnt down my house."

"You did what now?" I asked shocked.

"You heard me the first time." Hayden muttered.

"But I don't believe it." I said, shocked.

"Believe it, it happened." Rage butted in before Hayden could say anything else. I put my hand's up in defeat.

"Parker, what did you do to land your self here?" Hayden asked.

"I... Uh.. Well you see..." his usually happy go lucky smile was gone.

"Spit it out!" Rage yelled.

"I stabbed a guy." He whispered.

"I didn't here you." Hayden said boredly.

"I stabbed a guy." He said a little louder. I still had to strain to hear him.

"Still didn't hear you." Rage added.

"I stabbed a guy!" Parker practically yelled.

We all just looked at each other and then at Parker.

"Just because I look innocent doesn't mean I am!" He pouted.

"Awe Parker!" I said putting my arm around his shoulders, " You'll always be my little bad boy."

"That makes me feel so much better." He replied sarcastically.

"Meh, I tried." I shrugged taking my arm from around his shoulders.

We continued to play the game for awhile. I actually opened up to the guys, which was odd because I'm not open with anyone except Blake and Carmen.

The three boys felt like my new found brothers. It was a good feeling. I knew they had my back, and I had theirs. 

Coming to this school was defiantly the best thing i could have done.

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