Mokoto's Story.

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Sorry guys I haven't been updating I finished school a few weeks back and I had a trip to Denmark and I had to visit people giving me less time with my writing, but now I should be free and be able to write as much as I want so yeah this chapter is about Mokoto telling his story to team Natsu and Fairy Tail, so let's see what is hiding in the heart of Mokoto                                            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"So Mokoto where does this story start?" Master Makarov asked                                                                      "Well it starts a long time ago back to when Zeref gets his power" Mokoto answered looking a little worried.                                                                                                                                                                                "That is pretty far back, but if it involves E.N.D I will do anything it to destroy it!" Gray said angered      "So Mokoto let's us hear your story, we have a lot of time why not use" Lucy said happily as if everything was going to be aright. "Ok so let's the story, but when I'm done you're involve and there'll be no turning back"

Story Start

Zeref was a student just like most of us, but his brother died young and he kept on asking why did he have to die, as he began questioning teacher's they all said "It's fate that is what our lord wants to happen we don't decide, and now forget about this subject OK boy!" but Zeref was a kid who didn't give up he kept on asking, and asking but he got nowhere, as time passed he then began gaining strange abilities killing everyone who's nears him making him feel joy, any person he came near died and so he tries to isolate himself from the world not nearing any humans, and that is how Tartaros was created the 9 Demon Gates and the master himself E.N.D, but I remember that you only fought the subjects but not E.N.D he was still sealed away due to him being to strong and if free would destroy the world just after the attempt on killing Zeref because apparently they were made to kill Zeref so he could feel death, but non were strong enough, so they went out and trained.

BackTo Fairy Hall

"So Zeref has all this time tried to kill himself so, he could know how it feels like?" Natsu said scared looking Yes that is what, I was told by my elders" Mokoto answered "So why would come to us for the first, and how do you expect to kill Zeref or even E.N.D if they have that kind of power?" Wendy asked "Well I have an easy for both but both have just been made hard" Mokoto saying shivering a little "And why is that Mokoto if they are both, what is the trouble, is it like new magic we have to learn or something?" Natsu asking and noggin his fist as if was a challenge for him to become stronger "No not really one is but it can be performed easily, but the other is going to be the challenge" Mokoto said looking blanc as he now lived through something                                                   "So tell us how to perform them or at leasts how to do Mokoto" Levy said to Mokoto directing it to him specific "OK so E.N.D can be defeated with a certain fusion magic that has to performed by slayers of any, the many more slayers the more damage, but if its in book for we just need a holy fire so that is why I came here to gain some of you and then set aim for Sabertooth to get their slayers so that I could have enough power." Mokoto told them "So what about Zeref what about him is there really a way to defeat him!" Jet screamed "Yes there is but then you have to hear my story and that is something I don't really want to remember, but you need to know if you want to help me."

Mokoto's Past

I was born in a town called Sunset village because it usually has a good view when it comes to sun downs and all and a lot of people came visiting around to see the beautiful sunsets at our village, but how our village started is something that is unimaginable, the first people of our village was just travellers, going around the world, but in that group there was one person who had magic and only him, his magic was to create or make, anything he thought of came to life, when we needed water he made it rain pure water when we needed food and fire wood he thought of it and we found a forest with fire wood and fish in the seas, but as they travelled further that is when they needed to camp and found a beautiful sunset site with tall round mountain that most of the time we sat on, but after discovering that beautiful place my people decided to make a village their where people can just come past to see the sunset, we didn't need payment because of how far away we were from the cities but they gave us a few and we just send people the big towns to get some food. "BACK TO THE MAN WITH THE CREATING POWERS!" Natsu roared "Sorry OK" Mokoto said scared. So that man with powers could only give it down to descendent if any other tried to drink they're body would explode, but if you had a little DNA you could control or if you put the user under a marriage spell that forces them to make your wish or they would feel pain, but you have to make the person marry you by your own will but if you still say no, you can be killed and your powers can be taken but only if you don't have any descendants, but if they try to kill without trying to get the marriage spell you will be revived after a day or 2 depending on the strength you have, also our town had a magical sooth sayer who could see into the future and a vision came up long before I was born and usually his predictions happens 2 days after he said them and nothing happened and so people began not believing him any more, but years pass and he gets the same prediction. "What was that prediction Mokoto-San?" Wendy asked as if she knew "It was 3 Born children each from their family but connected one child of the snow and the 2 others of the burning waves, they will have unmeasured powers to protect the descendant of what can cause evil or good depending on the user, she will be the reason of a broken boy chain, then the sun will die and our village will burn, and a I with most of you will die, but a new era will be born from our ashes. That is all he said and taught us" Mokoto said.  But as time passed and we lived our usual lives in the winter a child was born he was named Hammy Hamoto, then time passed again in the time of summer and Dylan Phenal Leggedon was born and a day after it was me Mokoto Hamimoto, and then 3 months after the descendant had been born and she was a girl which shocked everyone since they only had boys for 450 years or all that I have heard of, all of us we lived in the village sometimes making some mischief or just learning about our past, but when our King believed the sooth sayer the father to the descendant took a test to test every child to see who were the chosen 3 to protect the daughter Scyller (the C is meant to sound like a K for people wondering how you would pronounce it) and there were only 3 tests one was your power and I was bestowed the power of Dragons the Thunder Flame dragon Brathion, showing that I passed because only people with magic can continue, so 7 more others got their magic bestowed to but the second test would put it down to 4 people and it was heart achievement were they look into your heart to find out what you desire the most and mine was to protect all of my friends, that got me through and the third was the one to chose which 3 would be chosen and it was a fighting contest the one who stays for down for 10 seconds has lost I won 1 and lost one but the 3 was the one that gave me my spot because my opponent was an Alex who had Dark Dragon slayer magic from Aconologia but because of him wanting me to give saying that I'm he was learned never to underestimate your opponent as I kept on getting up, he was to down to try again leaving and opening for me to come with a strong one and push him down, I earned a place for having a good heart and never giving up on my friends, Dylan who I now call Phenal got his place for making his plans so fast and could defeat quick at the same time and he desired to solve every problem in his way to get to his friends and last was, Hammy who got his place with a heart of joy and friendship and was the looking for weak points in an enemy and making the fight fun making the enemy feel dumb found, as we all became the 3 Angels of Scyller because even know we protect we have to guide her, also after that they told us of the power that could only be used once every life time and it was the stone to kill Zeref, and it could only be made once in a new life but the one the old master made was destroyed because it only stay for a 4 days because to get all that magic to make it drains you badly and your power can only keep it up to 4 days unless you want to die, but the last one we had we made a freeze chamber for it because we have to wait and hour or 3 just for a new one to be made so what we do is we keep the last one so that she only has to put power inside that will take minutes but still can only be used once a life, but on that day in year x777 was the time I was destroyed as the sun was going down me, Phenal, Hammy and Scyller we were sitting on the mountain looking at the sun me sitting next to Scyller, with Phenal sitting right on diagonal part of the mountain and Hammy standing crossing his arms and we were their looking at the sun go down the moon rising, not to mention me and Scyller might have moved a step further in our friendship, but we were all happy looking up in the sky, but then we saw black smoke covering the stars and we saw trees falling so we thought attack and then Hammy screamed to the whole village "FOREST IS GOING DOWN IT'S AN ATTACK 12 O' CLOCK"

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