2- Everything Has Changed

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"Why would I be joking? Come on it's going to be fun." He slammed his locker shut, and I looked at him like he lost a head.

"Fun? Nate we are freshman we shouldn't be going to any parties, especially not now," I said closing my locker.

"Well a bunch of the football guys are going to be there so I'm going," he said a hint of a feeling I wasn't aware gleaming in his eyes. Guilt.

"Fine go to your party. I won't judge you, can we go home now? I have a lot of homework to do," I said walking.

"Actually..." He dragged scratching the back of his neck. "I can't drop you off today. I was going to go hang at Justin's house before the party."

"Who's Justin?" I asked confused.

"Chases younger brother. I think he has math with you. Yeah he invited me and I said yes."

It was silent between the two of us until I finally broke it. "Have fun tonight. I'll just walk home, it's fine." I didn't wait for him to respond because I was already walking away.

"Yes thank you for telling me. It's fine really," I heard my dad William on the phone when I finally reached home.

"Beatrice!" He yelled as soon as the door closed. I wince at an unknowing pain. I'm in big trouble.

"Yes, William?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen scared beyond relief. Out of my parents you could say that my dad caused the most bruises.

William Hamilton. A beautiful man with bright blue eyes like my own, and dark brown hair.

"Mrs. Cooper has called me saying that she is sorry that her son couldn't drop you off home? What the hell does she mean by that?" He asked calmly a glass of cognac in his hand.

I played with my fingers keeping my head hung low. "Nathan has been dropping me to and from school. Since it's such a long walk," I said quietly.

"And how long has this been going on?" He asked me, surprisingly not rising his voice up to the slightest.

"For as long as elementary." The room was silent for a split second.

"You bitch!" He yelled throwing the glass of cognac at me. The cut from the glass being touched by alcohol burned my skin. I fell to the floor as I yelled in agony.

"He knows about me and your mother hitting you doesn't he?" He asked as he grabbed me by the collar and shook me furiously.

"No! He doesn't I swear. I haven't told anyone. That would be breaking a rule!" I gasped trying to get air through my lungs.

I rarely lied to my parents. When I did you knew it was because of Nate. That boy always had me in trouble. But he was my best friend, so why not?

"Better have not!" He threw me to the ground and spit on my face. "Get the hell away from me!" He yelled, but this time it wasn't filled with anger. It was filled with...fear. Why would dad be afraid of me?

I ran to my room before he repeated himself, and sat on my bed. Tears slowly fell from my face.

They love me. They hit me so I can be disciplined.

I hissed in pain by the shards of glass on my face. "Nate," I needed him right now.

I ran to the light switch and turned it on and on. And there was no respond.

I waited. And waited some more. Next thing I knew it was morning, and the shards of glass were still piercing in my skin.

Nate's POV

"Yesterday night was amazing man!" Justin said.

Yesterday's party was amazing. I meant a whole lot of people, and it seemed I danced forever. But it didn't seem right not having Bea next to me.

"Hey everyone," I said as I joined the schools jocks and cheerleaders at the cafeteria table. All the fellas fist bumped me.

"Hey Nate," all the girls said. Twisting their hair in a flirtatious matter.

Everyone started to talk amongst theirselves, and that's when I saw her.

Dresses in long blue skinny jeans and wearing a black jacket with the hood on. "Bea!" I called, but she didn't hear me. It was that or she was still mad about yesterday.

I got up from my seat about to go to her, when someone placed there hand on my shoulder. "Dude, I don't think you should do that," Justin said his face for the first time seemed serious.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I don't know if you can tell but, Bea doesn't really fit in with anyone. She's more of a loner if you ask me," Justin said making me clench my fist.

"Look, what my brother is trying to say is drop the chick. She's only going to bring you down," Chase added.

"She's my best friend. If you think I'm going to leave her, you're crazy."

"Maybe it's time for a new best friend," Jessica, one of the cheerleaders said, sending me a wink.

"I pass," I said angrily.

"Here's the deal. If you don't drop the loser you can't be on the football team," Justin finally said. I looked at him shocked he would actually go that far. Was Bea really that bad?

I knew what I had to do. I walked up to her knowing she already saw me. "Bea, we need to talk."

She turned around and faced me her eyes not looking me in the eyes. "Uhm what's up Nate?"

"I don't think we should be friends anymore," I said not beating around the bush. If I was going to do this I was going to rip the bandage fast, really fast.

Her big blue eyes looked at me in shock. "What? Why?" She asked alarm.

"Well I'm joining the football team, and everyone doesn't really like you. You're distant and quiet, and you're not into all the stuff their into, I'm into."

She was silent for a moment.

'Please don't let me go, please don't let me go,'

I repeated in my head every second she didn't say anything back. Then finally she said, "is this what you really want?"

I almost lost my composure when she asked me, but I kept myself together. "Yes," I forced out.

"Well then, I think your friends are waiting for you over there," she said pointing to Chase and the others.

I looked at her in the eyes and they were just meaningless. Not a single feeling shown in them. I turned and walked away my chest pulling together in antagonizing pain.

My mom told me to always fight for the one, who fought for you. If Bea wasn't fighting for me, I guess I was going to have to fight the world on my own.

"So?" Chase asked me when I arrived the table.

I shrugged my shoulders like nothing was wrong. "So nothing. You told me to drop her, I dropped her. It's not like it was the hardest thing in the world."

"Then you might as well say hello to the football team," he said.

I took one last look at her, before never talking to here again.

It was nice knowing you Bea.
So... Can you say an emotional ending. Don't worry it doesn't get better from here.

*inserts evil laugh here

Keep out for the next chapter.
Love yah,


I'm Just Too NiceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin