Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I knew it. My parents were lying the whole time. They are pretending that they don't have enough, and they were going to use the donations for their own personal use!

I hate them. I love Nick for making our parents look like the fools they are. When I get home, it is not going to be a happy reunion. I will never look at them the same again.

What if it wasn't Ty? What if it was a messed up psychotic rapist that kidnapped me. I would have been used for more than two weeks, and my parents are making a profit out of it? Are they insane?

I feel bad for Nick who had to be around them, listening to their intentions, the whole time worrying about me. It's not right.

I need to clear my head, so I head to the bathroom, and take a hot shower. I massage the shampoo into my hair, letting the water cleanse my thoughts. I'm annoyed and frustrated but the shower is slowly calming me down.

I get out, put my clothes on, and brush my teeth. I'm relieved to see a new mirror has been put up, but I wonder where he got it from. I decide not to think about it, and when I am done, I throw my wet hair in a bun.

It's really hot out, so I decide to wear a tank top and shorts. I hear a knock at the door. Ty? Why is he back so soon? I wonder if he forgot something. I open the door without paying attention.

It's not Ty.

"Hello, hun." He says with a scary grin. Who is this guy and why is he so informal? He looks about Ty's age, and it's definitely not an accident that he ended up at this trailer.

Before I can ask him who he is, he pushes past me, knocking me out of the doorway, and locks the door.

"So your the unfortunate girl?" He asks, but it's not a question.
"I'm truly sorry to get you in the middle of this, but I have some... Problems to solve with your kidnapper, Ty." He says, holding a gun. I hate guns. I close my eyes, waiting for it to be over. I deserve it after all, but I'm terrified.

What is it with me and kidnapping?

He ties me up, much like Ty did, and he picks me up setting me over his shoulder. My stomach is hurting at the pressure. This is not comfortable. I would squirm if it weren't for the gun that he has.

We walk about a mile, and he puts me in the back of a small car. I should scream, and kick... So before he closes the door, I do. I kick, and scream through the gag he put on me. After recovering from the blow, which was rather quickly, he grabs my legs and slams them down on the seat.

"Feisty aren't you? I wonder why Ty left you alone... Does he have blackmail over you? Or are you two lovers?" I don't react to his words, he's squeezing my legs and it hurts. I know he is going to leave bruises.
"Now shut up! I have no problem using this on you, you are of use to me both dead or alive."that's terrifying...

I listen, and I stay still as he closes the door. He climbs in the drivers seat, and drives away. Away from our hideout... How did he know where we were? What does he want from me?
What does he have against Ty?

All of these questions run through my head, and I know that this guy, whatever his name is, he is going to be a lot crueler than Ty.

He already proved how strong he was, just by holding my legs down.
But I get an idea... I can describe this man when I get home... If I get home.

He has black hair, dark eyes, and a deep glare. He has the same build, If not larger than Ty. He is what I call intimidating.
Unlike Ty, he is not afraid of what he's doing, unlike Ty, he has no connection with me. It would mean nothing for him to hurt me, or kill me.
I decide not to think about it. A tear escapes my cheek and I ignore it. I have to be strong now.

We drive for hours, I really have no clue where we are. With how I'm positioned, I can't see any signs out the window.

After a while, he makes a turn, and I can feel him slow down, we are in a dirt road, and he comes to a stop. Before he gets out he starts to chuckle... A menacing chuckle.

He gets out, slams the door, and comes to the door where my feet are. He grabs my ankles, drags me out, and once again, plops me over his shoulder... We walk toward a cabin.

I am being kidnapped, again.

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