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Chapter 10.

[Aunt Rose's house, 11:12 am, Blind.]

(Louis and Rose are sitting outside Rose's house. Louis is telling her everything that happened on the trip.)

Louis: (pacing back and forth) "I can't believe that Liam said that to me!"

Aunt Rose: "I always knew it."

Louis: "Poor Sam."(groans) "Oh god. I'm such an idiot, why couldn't I see it before?!"

Aunt Rose: (smiles) "Sometimes things are right infront of you and you can't see them. It's okay. Don't worry."

Louis: (sits down next to her) "Yes, Aunt."(puts his forehead on her shoulder) "But I've decided that I never want to do this match making again."

Aunt Rose: "Don't blame yourself. You just wanted to help Sam."

Louis: "I know."(groaning) " But Harry is also fighting with me."

Aunt Rose: (chuckles) "What's new in this? You both are always fighting."

Louis: "What will I tell Sam?"

Aunt Rose: (patting Louis' head) "Tell him the truth. But be a little gentle."

Scene 2.

[ Louis' Room, The Tomlinson Mansion, 2:24 pm, Romeo.]

(Louis and Niall are practising on how to tell Sam about Liam. Both of them are sitting on Louis' bed.)

Louis: "Okay. One last time."(huffs loudly) "Sam, Liam is a total idiot!"

Niall: "Too...soft."

Louis: "I can't be harsh, Niall! He'll start crying."

Niall: (huffs) "Okay. Once again."

Louis: (takes in a deep breath) "Sam, I made a mistake."

Niall: "A really big one, infact."

(Sam enters a minute later. Louis immediately gets up and blurts everything.)

Sam: (crying like a child) "You can't be serious!"

Louis: (patting Sam's shoulder, sad) "I'm sorry, Sam."

Niall: (finding the situation amusing) "Should I order food?"

Louis: "Niall."(sees that Sam is not looking at them, to Niall, whispers) "I want Chinese!"

Niall: (grins, whispers back) "Okay."

(After thirty minutes, all three of them are sitting at the dining table, eating their lunch.)

Niall: (eating chicken) "It's good, no?"

Louis: "Really good."(opens the box of chop-suey, smiles) "This smells absolutely delicious."

Niall: "God, I'm already full."(burps) "But, I'll manage."

Sam: (puts Chop-Suey in his plate, pauses, starts crying again) "Chop-Suey is Liam's favourite, no?"

Louis: (looks at Niall) "Oh god."

Niall: "It's okay, Sam. Get over it."

Sam: "Shut up!"(looks at Niall's shirt, loud) "Why are you wearing a blue shirt?!"

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