Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Annabelle? WE'RE LEAVING! NOW!"

"Kaaaaaaaaaaay!" I run down the stairs, trip over my own feet, and stagger into the door. Ow. "WHEW! IMMA NINJA, MOM! DID YOU SEE THAT? I GOT DOWN THOSE STAIRS FAST!!"

"Um, Annabelle?" Mom stares, "Are you... okay?"

"Yep, fine, just the same I always am am am am. Ow. My head hurts. I think that I am MAAAAALFUNCTIONING, MOTHER!"

"Well... Well well well well... We're still going. Come on!" Mom opens the door dramatically and then holds the door open for me. I walk out the door and climb into the car.

"THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED?!" Mom screams, looking like a meteorite just dropped on top of her or something.

"Um... I think you unlocked it yourself with the clicker thing, Mom..."

"Oh. Let's go then!"

* * *

When we get to the restaurant, aka the "Greasy Joint", which I think is a pretty bad name for a fast food restaurant, because it sounds like they have greasy hair or greasy fingers or they don't clean there or something... AAANYWAYS!

Mom and I sit down at a little booth in the corner of the room. The Greasy Joint looks like it's straight out of a movie - red and white checked tablecloths, red leather booths, little fast food baskets that stuff comes in, and so on. It's so cute! I love it immediately.... well, everything except for the name. Eww. Greasy Joint?! It's like the joints in your body get greasy because you eat there! EWWWWW! WHY DID I JUST HAVE TO THINK OF THAT?!

"May I take your order?" A waitress with looooooooooooooong, shiny, straight brown hair in a red tank top and jeans with a red apron over her jeans asks us. This place seriously has an obsession with red, but hey. Red makes you hungry. Who am I to judge? I certainly am hungry right now!

Soooooooo I look at the menu and don't know what to get so I just say, "Can I please have a hamburger and french fries?"

"Sure, honey! Would you like something to drink with that?" The waitress asks, pen poised over her order pad.

Before Mom can interrupt and ruin my fun, I say quickly, "Yes! A chocolate milkshake, please?"

Mom rolls her eyes, then says, "And can I have a BLT - Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, please?"

"Of course!" 

"And water with that, please?"

"Yes. All right. Your food will be out soon." The waitress leaves.

Water. Water? God, what IS the point of going to a fast food restaurant?? And I THINK the waitress knows what BLT stands for, she DOES work here, after all. I have the most embarrassing mother in the world.

"So!" Mom says loudly, folding her hands under her chin, "Hows your crush?"

"Mom, PLEASE not now!" I moan.

"Fiiiiine." We sit there in silence for a few moments, then another girl comes in with her mom. I feel like I've seen her before, but I don't think I've ever MET her personally... she just seems familiar to me.

"Victoria, let's sit over here." The mom - or who I assume to be the mom - says loudly.

I see the girl's, Victoria's cheeks get red, and she whispers something to her mom. I pretend to be drinking my milkshake nonchalantly (which arrived a few moments ago), which I am doing, but I'm also listening to their conversation. They sat down just a few tables away, so it's not that hard.

"Mom, act NORMAL. Just because you're used to paparazzi doesn't mean you have to act like that ALL THE TIME!"

"I'm sorry, Victoria! I can't switch as easily as you can, honey. Give me a little time!"

"Ugh. Mom. Fiiiine."

The waitress takes their orders, and our food comes.

I eat my burger and fries, not really listening to Mom and nodding when needed, until I get up to go to the bathroom.

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