Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I run back into the room where Maia Jones is, again. "All right!" I say, laying my wallet down on the coffee table right as the food arrives. It's fancy, shiny stuff with lots of tiiiiiiny golden things and pink roses and all of that. Tea, biscuits, whipped cream, sugar, normal cream, half-and-half, milk, cut up strawberries, and stewed strawberries are all there. And it looks beautiful!

It makes me happy to see pretty things. Anyways, back to what is HAPPENING! I pour the tea out, but decide not to take a sip yet because I know that the tea is probably super hot. Miss Maia Jones, however, takes a huge gulp and I see her eyes bulge as the bitter, hot tea scorches her tongue and whole mouth. Haha. You have to add sugar and cream before DOOOOOOOOOFUS!

"All right, so..." I say casually, and proceed to open the wallet, slip, and slide all of the money in it out onto the table in a nice pile, "Whoops!" I take a very long time to put it back in the wallet, and I see her staring at me with those nasty frog eyes.

"Hem, so, what did you want to discuss?" She asks, taking a smaller sip of her tea this time and still grimacing.

"You know, you can add sugar and milk or cream if you like." I say sweetly.

"Of course." She says, and proceeds to dump it all in.

"Oh! And what I wanted to discuss was... oh yes! I wanted to ask you if you wanted anything else before you left and... well... ruined my life?"

Maia Jones chokes, "Ruin your life! I'd make it better, darling!"

"Aah, I see what you think. You think that if you spread this story to the public, my parents will automatically start acting nice and wonderful and be model parents."

"But of course!" She exclaims, again, batting her eyelashes.

"No, that's not what will happen, Maia."

"Oh?" She asks coolly, having regained some of her composure, and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes," I respond.

"Oh. Well..." She pauses, as if thinking, Am I really about to do this? Hmm? "Well, I guess, if you helped me out, I wouldn't have to release this information to the public."

"Oh, THANK YOU!" I smile, knowing that this would have happened.

"I could use some extra money, and the rent is getting quite steep on my loft..."

"I'll buy it for you." I inform her promptly.

"You will...?? Of course you will. Thank you. If that will be all, then I should really get to leaving now."

"Of course, yes!!!" Phew, please DO be gone. I walk out with her, and right when I leave, she gets a phone call.

"Yes, I got it... Yes, she's a br- I'll call you back, I'm leaving their house right now."

A brat?! Was she about to call me... A BRAT?! Oh no you DIDN'T!!

"I have to go, thank you!" Maia Jones chirrups, and walks out the smooth electronic glass doors.

* * *

I lie on my back and stare up at the TV which is on the ceiling at the moment, trying to find something to watch as I flip through the channels. No such luck.

I am super super super super super bored. I'm also jumping at every single noise that I hear. Every floorboard creaking, every footstep, every time the elevator goes by the floor. Every single time one of those happens, I start.

I keep flipping through all of the channels, daring the world to put something about me on TV, something that I told Maia Jones. My breath catches in my throat when I hear my parent's company, but it's only an ad. Again.

I hate being so jumpy, but I really can't trust Maia Jones. I know I sound super paranoid, but things get out there. Someone just has to go, "What happened in your interview?" And the reporter/interviewer will say, "Oh, that's classified!" And the bad someone will say, "I'll pay you." And the reporter/interviewer will go, "Okay. So what happened was... ______ __ ___ _____ ___ ___. ___ _______ ___ _ ____ _ __! _ ____ _____! ____ ___ ___ _ ___ ______ __ ___." And all of the people in the world will soon know what slipped out of your mouth by accident. And that would not be good. And Maia Jones is kind of easy to bribe. So... problem there!

"Honey, I'M HOOOOOOME!!" The one of the actors on the TV calls, and it's suuuper loud because I just realize that I've been sitting on the remote and turning the volume up and up and up and up and up and UP AND UP AND UP AND UP until it got to one hundred and fifty on the scale thing. My eardrums just DIIIIIIIIED. I turn it waaaaaay down, but the volume takes a bit to get back to fifty from one hundred and fifty, so there's enough lines on loooooud volume to leave my ears ringing. I switch to a different channel.

"Do you want dinner now?" Dawn pops in.

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