Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Karma sucks." I inform Mabel, "And you brought karma up, so therefore I declare to the world that you suck, Mabel."

"Aww, did poor wittle AWWABEWLLE wan into Chaaase the wove of her wiiiiiife?"

"Shut up, Mabel. You're annoying me."

"Right, okay, let's go." Ali says, pushing her chair backwards, "We're leaving."

"What?" I ask, confused, "Why?"

"Becaaaaaause..." Ali pauses, "WE ARE." She yanks Mabel and I out of our chairs and we all hurry out the door.

"What's the fuss?" Mabel asks, confused.

"Don't want to be caught up in THEIR drama." Ali tells her, jerking her head towards the cafeteria's windows where I can see the popular crowd. They were about to flock around our table.

"Okay. Good thinking." I tell her, "But what if some of the drama or gossip had to do with YOUR BOYFRIEND? Wouldn't you want to know about that?"

Ali's face gets red, "No, I do not want to know about that." She says primly, "Blake can do what he wants. I don't care."

"Yep, yeah, uh huh, sure." Mabel says.

Ali's face is now a nice shade of pink, "What did you hear."

"Weeeee - eee - eeee - eeeeee - EEEEEE - EEEEEE - LLLLLLLLLLL..." Mabel glances at Ali, "WELL, what I heard wassssss... WAS... oh DARN IT! Look at THAT! I forgot. Sorry!"

"Mabel you tell me what happened right now right now right now right now right now right NOW!" Ali yells, "RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"But I forgot!" Mabel exclaims innocently, "I did honestly, sorry!"

"LLLLLLLIIIIIIAAAARRRRR!!!!!!" Ali screams, and everyone is staring now, but apparently she doesn't care. She will probably care later when I tell her the weird looks Blake and his friends were giving us, and Blake looking confused but his face twisting up into a freaky weird half smile like he's not sure if he should go over and help or laugh or be completely weirded out.

Wellllll anyways, now Ali seems to be chasing Mabel all around the playground and I'm just standing there awkwardly not really sure what I should do. It's very... INTERESTING. To say the least. Which I do a lot, actually. A lot of people do that, you now. Saying the least or the dark side of things, not the most or the brighter side of things. THAT is called being pessimistic or optimistic! No, really? You aSk with sarcasm in your voices. Yes, really! I respond happily because I'm weird like that. And then everyone backs away slowly. La la la la la la la. Wellllll I'm really bored just standing here, so... I stand there being bored for a while.

* * *

When school is over, I walk out the door and wait for my mom to drive up. It takes a while. No. Not clear enough. I STAND OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL FOR HALF AN HOUR UNTIL SOMEONE SEES ME AND GOES, "Oh, you needed to be put in aftercare twenty minutes ago! So sorry!" AND THEN I'M STUCK IN STUPID AFTERCARE TRYING TO TEXT PEOPLE WHO WON'T ANSWER AND CALLING MY MOM WHO WON'T PICK UP AND I'M JUST SO FRUSTRATED BY THE TIME SHE DOES PICK UP AND SAYS INNOCENTLY, "What? Pick you up? I thought you took the bus home today!" I have to explain to her that NO, I did not take the bus today, or else why would I have called her like fifty times? To which she replies: "I was in a meeting, I didn't see your SEVENTEEN missed calls. God, when I saw that I thought you were kidnapped or something!" I explain to her I wasn't kidnapped, but if I HAD been, I probably would be locked up in a dungeon right now all because of her stupid meeting and not answering her desperate daughter's phone calls.

She turns up forty five more minutes later, and pays the twenty five dollar fee for having to take care of me for like TWO HOURS. Such an irresponsible parent! Gosh. I must call child protective services. Naah. She was just late. Annnnnnooying mother.

When we get home, I head up to my room and throw my backpack on my bed. Scratch that. I do NOT throw it on the bed. I try to, but I miss and hit the wall with a loud thud. Poor stuff in my backpack. I see a dark stain spread, and I hurry over and quickly unzip the front pocket. My water bottle, hard plastic, has cracked open and is now proceeding to spill all over everything in my backpack. Joy. I just LOVE today.

Speaking of which, I need to change out of these jeans because they are starting to smell like rotten milk. Which it probably is by now, actually. Eww. Don't think about that, Annabelle. Rotten milk? EWW... DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT!

"ANNABELLE?" Mom yells upstairs.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?" I yell back to her, downstairs, as I pull on a non - smelly nice, clean, un - milky pair of jeans. Aaaah. I hate cafeteria milk. YOU WILL FEAR MY REVENGE!


I run downstairs, "Um, Mom? We kind of need that for food for the rest of the month you know..." AND I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT THOSE UGGS I SHOWED YOU!

"I was just KIDDING so I could freak you out enough to get your butt down here."


"But we ARE going to a restaurant! So... change out of those jeans and put on a non - ripped pair."

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