Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


It's him saying Hi y werent u in skool 2day? Oh my god! He cares! You're probably wondering, "he"?! "he"?! "he"?! "he"?! Mr. No Name here! Sorry. This is... drumroll... naah, I'll just tell you: Chase.

i got sick from sittin in the rain. I text back as quickly as possible.

Surprisingly, I get a text back within the minute: lol, wow.

ikr it sucks I say back.

We continue texting for a while, and I feel better. None of my friends have texted me. Huh. Well, anyways... I decide to get out of bed. Bad idea. I have absolutely no sense of balance now, and I fall over sideways. Through my peripheral vision I see my phone screen light up with another text. I reach for it, but completely miss and grab the blanket (my phone is sitting on the bed). The phone goes sailing and lands with a thud on the carpet. I crawl over slowly, stomach churning, on my hands and knees.

After all of that work, all it says is: gtg, sry, bi. So I don't respond. I spread the blanket back over my bed, and then realize how much I want to watch bad TV or a bad movie right now.

I go to my desk and pull off the old Mac laptop - like, really, really old. It's a PowerBook G4. It's sloooooooooow. So, so slow. I walk back to the bed and plop it down on the bedspread. Then, I proceed to plump up the four pillows and lean them against the wall. I slide under the covers, grab the laptop, and lean back in content.

It starts to hum in a nice way, and then I hear all of these little gears clicking inside. The traditional Apple startup noise happens, and I log myself in. It takes about five minutes for the computer to fully awaken.

Then I open Firefox, which then takes another five minutes to load. Finally, though, I get to Netflix and start watching TV. Gossip Girl. It's kind of a guilty pleasure, and it's not exactly the MOST appropriate, but I can handle it. I look away when I have to.

I watch about four episodes before I start getting that feeling in your head where you're dizzy and everything you hear from the computer goes in one ear and out the other. The episodes are around forty five minutes long each, so I've basically watched around four hours of TV (if you round up) but since I'm not exactly in the mood for lots and lots of math, I don't figure it out. Even though I could. Because my brain is not in the mood for that. And all of a sudden after I keep thinking about it, I do the math: forty plus forty is eighty, five plus five is ten, ten plus eighty is ninety. Ninety is an hour and a half, and an hour plus an hour is two hours, and then half an hour plus half an hours is one hour, and THEN two hours plus one hour is three hours. So I've watched three hours of my guilty pleasure show, Gossip Girl.

The computer is really pretty much burning up my legs. Did you know that you can actually get a computer tan? If you work on a laptop with bare legs for hours regularly, you actually will get one. It's an incredible thing if you think about it.

Anyways... I close the laptop and look around the room. There's not much. A desk, cluttered up with things. Two closets, one with clothes, one with games and art supplies. A bedside table, also cluttered up with things. My bed, me, a carpet on the floor I've had since I was three, and a dresser with the top cluttered with more of my general mess.

It's not much, as I've said. But it always looks like a lot more because I have so much STUFF to put everywhere and it just overflows and goes everywhere.

Aaaaaaanyways AGAIN, I'm pretty bored, so I put my laptop on the ground and go to sleep.

* * *

This time when I wake up, it's nine a.m. and I feel fine. Then my mom comes in and goes, "Great, you're up! Now I can drive you to school and get to work!"

Oooooh no. Oooooh NO. Not school! I'd rather miss a day than come in late, because... missing a day is better! "Mom, I don't feel well enough to go to school yet... Tomorrow?"

She sighs, "I know that you are just faking because you don't want to go to school."

"Well, I don't feel INCREDIBLE..." I say, trying to convince her, "Maybe I'm still contagious. Maybe if you do send me to school, I will infect everyone and THEN what will you do?"

"I highly doubt that, but I GUESS you can stay home alone then." Mom gives in.

"Yesssssssss!" I exclaim, then quickly add, "More sleep?" I say, trying to get away with it.

"Whatever, I'll call in with the school and say that you're still sick." She shrugs, and then walks out of the room. I smile. Another day! Yay! No school today either! Yessss!!!!!!!

Happy day! I grab my laptop and turn it on. "I'M LEAAAAVING!" Mom yells.

"BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" I yell back, and the front door slams. Alone at last! Oh, stupid floor. I hate it when floorboards creak. It's STUPID. Because it sounds like there's someone there when there isn't and then you get all freaked out for NO REASON at all and it's EXTREMELY CREEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPYYYY! Translation: I hate creaking floors. TRANSLATION FROM THAT: Creaking floors scare me. LAST TRANSLATION: When I'm home alone and the floor creaks, I think there's someone else in the house, and then I get scared. Stupid imagination.

IMAGINATION ESTUPIDO! La la la la. La la la LA. LA LA LA LA. LOO LOO LOO LOOO. Loo loo loo loo. I AM BORED IF YOU DIDN'T NOTICE, and I have been home alone for only like five seconds. This does not bode well... Ha ha. That is a funny word, bode. It's like mode. Mode and mean and median annoy me. WHOOOOOOOOOP there goes my mind again! I'm crazy. I'm INSAAAAANE.

Yup. Yeah. That's meeeee. I log into my gmail and immediately get a Hi and then another Hi from two of my friends who are AT SCHOOL, in a group chat.

y r u guys chatting me wen ur at skool?! I type back as fast as I can, confused.

Ali: im on a chromebook. U sick?

Mabel: meee 22222222 yea u sick stilllll?

Me: no im just playing hooky I joke.

Mabel: oooooo! naughty naughty


Ali: imma tell the TEACHERS

Me: JKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ali: im still telllllling

Mabel: omfg she just called ms k ovr!!!!!!!!!


Mabel: false alarm false alarm just 2 go 2 the bathroom

Me: ooo kk :)

Mabel: yea... i shud prob do work now or else sum1s gonna notice...

Me: aaaaah kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Me: dats not good

Mabel: no shit

Ali: well BRB THEN

Me: loooool

Mabel: aaaaah g2gggggg!!!!!!!

Me: tataaaaaaaaaa

Mabel has left.

Me: la la la la la la la la la la la la la la this is booooring la la la la la la la la


Me: whoops...

Mabel: yeaaa... k BIIIBIBIIBI

Me: goooooooodaaaay madam

I just email both of them like crazy until they get suuuuper super super super mad at me. It's pretty boring after that... So, once again, I go to sleep.

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