Some awkward kid called Stiles

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Lydia practically sprinted across campus to make it to her world history class on time. Allison had definitely distracted her, telling her stories about her time in high school. When Lydia glanced at the clock, she cursed under her breath, realizing she had 5 minutes to get to class.
Out of breath, she stumbled into the large classroom, a little surprised at the amount of people taking the class. The professor walked towards the middle of the room, about to introduce himself when he noticed the flushed faced, girl gasping for air.
"Welcome miss,"
"Martin, sir" Lydia spoke louder than she had meant to and embarrassment flooded to her cheeks, turning them pink. She glanced down at her beat up, black, hightop converse. Not her first choice in shoes but they were the ones she found the quickest.
"Well miss Martin, find a seat"
Lydia sighed in relief. She had thought he would be hard on her, give her the 'why are you disrupting my class' speech. Instead, he'd welcomed her and smiled brightly. The girl scanned the room, looking for an open seat. She spotted one and inched her way toward it, almost falling on top of a few people on her way. Lydia plopped down in her chair, not bothering to look at anyone beside her, half out of embarrassment, half out of the fact that she just didn't care.
Rummaging around in her bag, she pulled out her notebook, feeling ready to learn some more of the subject she was so interested in. Her eyes widened in disbelief.
"I can not have forgotten a pen. No this is not happening" she whispered to herself.
Her first day of college and it was not going so well.
A pen appeared in front of her face. She took it, glancing at the stranger that gave it to her. She gave a genuine smile, then she realized who it was. It was the boy from the hallway. Her face reddened when she realized she'd been staring for longer than she should have.
"Thanks" she whispered to him.
The boy smiled and turned to face forward as the professor started speaking.
"Welcome to world studies. This semester, not only will you learn about the history but the languages as well. For the first half of the semester, we'll be learning about wars such as world war 1 and 2. And for your midterm, you will be writing a 40 page essay about all your findings." The class all simultaneously groaned. "Don't do that. You don't think I'd make you write a 40 page essay by yourself do you? You'll be working with a partner for the semester. Take a look at the person sitting next to you, because you'll be working with them a lot for my class. Those are your partners. You might hate me for giving you homework on your first day, but I'm doing it anyway. Your assignment is to find the reason for world war 1 starting. You'll hand in a short essay of your findings in 3 days, when you have my class again. That's it you can go."
She looked over at the boy sitting next to her.
Fuck, she thought, I'm partners with I boy I've managed to fall on and hit with a door.
"I'm Stiles, by the way" he whispered.
Lydia stood and scooped up her belongings.
"So Martin, you got a first name?"
Lydia began walking out of the classroom and Stiles followed her.
"Lydia" she told him.
"Oh, uh, that's a cool name"
Lydia had to hold back a laugh. This boy was awkward, but he either, didn't know it, or didn't care.
"What about you? I've never heard anyone with the name Stiles before."
"Yeah" he replied. Lydia got the feeling that he didn't want to explain so she didn't press the matter.
"So this homework we have" Lydia paused.
"Oh well if your not busy tonight you can come by my dorm room."
"Lyds it was great. He was great and he was so cute. I can't even explain it" Allison excitedly told Lydia about her meeting a boy while she walked to class.
"Do you even know anything about him?" Lydia laughed.
"I know his name is Scott and I know these 10 little digits that help me get in contact with him. I don't know maybe they're called, hmm, oh that's right it's a phone number"
Lydia couldn't help but smile at her friends excitement.
Allison's phone buzzed and she grinned when she saw who it was.
"See Lydia" she said shaking her phone at Lydia mockingly, "it's not just some silly thing"
Allison answered her phone grinning from ear to ear. As Lydia looked at the clock, she realized it would be her second time being late today.
"I gotta go" she mouthed to Allison on her way out the door, heading to Stiles dorm room. And she thought back to the previous events in which she had met this boy, and she thought it weird that she remembered him in so much detail. The way his eyes were flecked with gold, the way his mouth seemed to permanently be stuck in a crooked smile where the right side tilted up more causing it to almost look like a smirk, the way the collar on his flannel shirt never seemed to be folded flat down. And it was odd because Lydia had never noticed those types of things about Jackson, be she brushed of the feeling and kept on walking.

1. I mixed in a little scallison for Ya
2. This took me a while actually and sorry for all the dialogue from the professor

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