11. "You found me."

Start from the beginning

"I found you," a very familiar voice whispered in my ear, startling me. I turned around to meet eyes with those famous indigo gems and I couldn't help but smile.

"You found me," I said softly. He ran his hand through his hair, grinning back. He looked as annoyingly attractive as usual- dressed in a simple black shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned and a pair of white-washed jeans.

He glanced up and smiled at Gabby. "Hey, Gabby."

"Heeeyy, Cage!" Gabby giggled and I saw Jason frown slightly. "Cage, huh," Jason said, stepping forward. "I'm Jason, Gabby's boyfriend."

Cage smiled brightly as usual. "Hello, Jason! I'm Cage."

Jason gave him a tight-lip smile. Cage turned to me. "Which flight are you on?"

"Um, I don't know," I mumbled, pulling my ticket out. Cage read my ticket over and smirked. "I guess we're seven seats away from each other."

"That's perfect," Gabby gasped.

"That's horrible," I said at the same time.

Cage winked at me. "Liar."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Loser."


"I'm failing biology."

"Whatever," he gave me a half-smile, the kind of smile that would make a girl swoon. I would have swooned too- but I didn't because he's Cage and I'm Kit.

That made more sense in my head, but whatever.

"I think they're calling everybody on your plane over there," Gabby frowned, as all the students slowly made their way into their respective groups around us. 

"That's us," Cage said, tugging on my arm gently. "They're calling for group 3."

"Okay," I ran my hand through my hair, before quickly leaning over and hugging Gabby. "See you in Hawaii, Gabs!"

"How am I supposed to bear five hours without my best friend nor my boyfriend, on a congested airplane full of annoying highschoolers?!" she pouted.

"You'll survive," I laughed, patting her shoulder sympathetically.

"You better survive," Jason shook his head, laughing along. Cage tugged on my arm again. "Come on, Kit, we don't wanna miss the flight," he warned, with a smile on his face. I nodded.

"See you later, Gabby! You too, Jason!" I called as Cage began to drag me away. I spun around, pulling my hand away from his grasp.

"I can walk very well by myself, thanks," I murmured. He gave me a sideways glance as we continued walking, pushing past people.

"Well, I know you like it when I hold your hand," he teased, taking my hand in his, his fingers curling around mine. His hand was slightly bigger and gruffer than mine. It was warm and thank god, not sweaty like most guys.

"Only in your dreams, Loren," I replied, sweetly, rolling my eyes. 

I heard him chuckle- before he abruptly froze. I crashed into his back, and swore. "What the heck, Cage?" I mumbled. He wasn't even paying attention to me- he was scowling at something, or someone, by the terminal for our flight.

"Um, hello?" I waved my hand in front of his eyes, but his eyes were still narrowed on the person. I couldn't exactly see who it was- but I was hella curious.

That was when his phone started blaring. I immediately recognized the song, one of my favorite songs by Arctic Monkeys, and I got excited. Sorry, minor fangirl attack.

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