Matt freaks when you text

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"What's got Matty Boy all giddy and flustered?" Smirked Gilinsky. "Does Matty Boy have himself a girlfriend?" He asked wiggling his thick eyebrows.

"Jack, Leave the poor boy alone!" Madison giggled, swatting his arm. Matt was currently at the Jacks' house, staying for the weekend. "But is she cute?"

Matt sighed, a smile on his face, "Madison, I-"

"LOOK AT HIS LITTLE BLUSH!" Johnson squealed and pinched his cheeks.

"What's she like?" Madison asked with a smile as she sat next to him on the couch.

"She's perfect," Matt smiled as he thought of you. "It's like the stars are trapped in her eyes; she has gorgeous, flowing hair; and she has the cutest little dimples! She has such an adorable, loud laugh and she's so sweet and- I'm rambling, sorry." Matt blushed even harder. He looked at Madison, whose smile was bigger than he ever thought imaginable.

"Well, someone's in real deep. But she sounds great, Matty, you deserve her," Madison grinned.


"JACK!" Madison scolded. "But really Matt, stop blushing, you look like a tomato."

But that was hard for him to do, because everything that had to do with you, Matt was in love with.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now