Chapter 16

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-Scott's POV-

"You know, I've been thinking," I said, "this town isn't the way it used to be. Derek, Allison, Peter, Theo, and I are werewolves, Sarah and Malia are werecoyotes, Sarah and Lydia are Banshees, and Kira's a Kitsune. Derek somehow turns fifteen again, and Allison came back from the dead only to have her spot taken by Liam."

"Well, life isn't always what it seems. And it isn't always good, but it isn't always bad. But sometimes, it's both. Besides our losses, life's been good." Stiles said.

Thunder cracked in the sky and I looked up then back at Stiles. "Do you think it's been long enough yet?" I asked him.

"Yes!" We heard Sarah shout from behind.

"Hey," Stiles said, "trying to have an adult conversation over here!" We walked over to the tree we chained Sarah to.

"Okay, you're two years older than me." She remarked, sounding more than annoyed. "And it was just a little slip up, it won't happen again."

"Little slip up?" Stiles asked. "A dozen calls to the Sheriff's department about a monstrous dog-girl running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked. That's a little slip up?"

"Why were you naked?" I asked her.

"It was really hot that night, okay?" She said apologetically. I finished untying the chains and we all got in Stiles' Jeep.

-Sarah's POV-

I put my headphones in but I heard Stiles say something about a party and midnight. "What's at midnight?" I asked, becoming very curious.

"Your bedtime." Stiles said quickly. I sighed quietly and looked at Stiles annoyed.

They dropped me off at the house and Derek's car was already there. I ran to the driver's side and said, "sorry I'm late," then hugged Derek.

Stiles cleared his throat so I pulled away and looked at him. "You realize that Scott's an alpha, right?" Stiles said.

"Goodbye, Stiles." I said laughing.

"Wait," Scott said before Stiles pulled out of the driveway. "Sarah, come here." I walked over to Scott then he whispered: "show me your hands."

I held up my shaky hands. "I'm still struggling." I said.

"No, you're still learning." Scott said. "How do you focus?" I held up my phone which had my headphones wrapped around it. "Just be careful.

Stiles pulled out of the driveway and I got in the passenger seat of Derek's car. "Hello, Sarah." He said.

"Hello, Derek." I said back. "So where are we going?"

"I can't tell you yet." He replied making me even more impatient. I sighed really loud, and a little over dramatic. "Oh, you'll make it." He said grabbing my hand then smiling as he swiftly looked at me then back at the road.

Eventually we made it to some kind of garage that had a bunch of Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling. Then there was a truck with a mattress and blankets and pillows.

Behind me was a white sheet hanging on the wall. "Derek," I finally said after being speechless for so long, "it's beautiful."

I could hear him smile. "I knew you'd like it." He lifted me up bridal style and set me down on the mattress. I laid on my side curling my legs closer to me and faced Derek.

He had a look of concern on his face. I grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm just thinking, if sometime, I turn back to the age I was, would you ever like me, despite our age difference?" He asked.

"Derek, you know I can't.." he cut me off by kissing me.

He pulled away and smiled and we laid there in silence. Then I got curious. "What's that sheet for?" I asked punting at the wall.

"In case you wanted to watch a movie." He said.

I thought for a minute. "Forget the movie." I said then kissed Derek. "How can you stay absolutely focused no matter what?"

"I was born this way. I've gotten used to it." He said.

"But what if something distracted you?" I asked getting an idea.

"That won't happen. I've got steel focus." He replied.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "But what if, I were to do this?"

I kissed him slightly rough then pulled away after a while. "See," he said, "still focused."

I laughed. "Then why are your eyes glowing?" He squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them they were chocolate brown again.

"I hate you," he said.

"You know you love me."

"Fine," he said before kissing me again, "I love you."

He kissed me longer. "I want to try something different." He said confusing me.

He took off his shirt and pulled me back into another kiss and rolled on top of me then kissed my neck. He pushed down my sleeve so he could kiss my shoulder. He kissed back up my jawline to my lips. He pulled away then laid back down and wrapped his arms around me.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in Derek's arms. I looked over my shoulder to look at Derek sleeping. But it wasn't young Derek anymore.

Sourwolf was back.

I sat up and Derek woke up. We both got out of the truck and Derek put his shirt on. I called Scott asking him to pick me up and he said he was on his way.

Derek and I were sitting on the edge of the truck awkwardly.

"So, do you remember anything?" I asked, knowing I sounded kind of nervous.

He nodded, "Everything." I sighed and held my head in my hands.

"This is awkward to you too, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah," he paused. "Especially because I know that Stiles will kill me when he finds out." We both laughed and there was another moment of silence.

"Derek," I said, finally breaking the silence. "You are a great guy, you really are."

He nodded. "I know, it's kind of illegal." I nodded, looking down. "But hey, we still got each other's backs, right?" I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"So the Sourwolf can smile." I said, making both of us laugh again.

Scott walked in and immediately, his jaw dropped in shock. "Derek," I could sense all of his emotions, and anger was one of them. "Get away from her."

The Forgotten Stilinski {Book 1} (BEING EDITED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora