Chapter 8

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When we got home I got a text.

From Unknown:

Hey Sarah, we should hang out sometime. Text me back.

Then there was another text.

From Unknown:

This is Theo, by the way.

I was getting annoyed by Theo at that point. I told Stiles and he was obviously not happy either.

"You're coming with me tonight." He said.

"Where?" I asked, not even attempting to hide the confusion in my voice.

"Tonight," Stiles said, "We're spying on Theo."


We went to the woods and looked for Theo. Then I remembered that Liam and I were supposed to meet Mason at the school.

"Stiles....I was supposed to meet Liam and Mason at the school." I said, becoming disappointed in myself for forgetting.

Stiles turned around. "What?" He paused. "Wait, does Mason know?" He asked. I shook my head. "Just tell him. Scott and I have been through this, it'll be fine." He turned around and started walking again.

But that's when reality hit me. "But what if it's awkward? What if he tries coming at us with something silver? What if he never wants to talk to us again? Or what if-" I got cut off because I fell in a hole.

Stiles stood over the hole. "Sarah, what the hell are you doing?" He asked and I just looked up at him. "Wait, there he is! Sarah, stop messing around and let's go." He said then ran off somewhere.

I picked up my phone and checked my texts, which were all from Mason and Liam. I sighed and climbed out of the hole and ran after Stiles.

We hid behind a branch. "Can you catch his scent?" Stiles asked.

"I-I'm not good at that yet." I said.

"Can you try?" Stiles asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded and tried.

"Soap," I said.

"Soap?" Stiles asked very confused.

"Yeah, soap," I repeated. "Wow, it smells, pretty good."

Stiles shook his head. "No, not soap. Focus on his emotions." Stiles paused. "What's he feeling?"

I tried looking for Theo's emotions. "He's sad." I said quickly.

"Sad?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, well, not like a sad, sad. Like a, grieving, sad." I half felt bad for him.

Theo was about to turn around so Stiles made me get down behind the branch. When Theo was gone we got up and rested our arms on the branch.

"What're you guys doing here?" We heard a familiar voice say. We turned around and saw Theo. "Were you spying on me.

I quickly shook my head. "We were just, uh..." I didn't know what to say that would be believable.

Stiles sighed. "I saw these and I know there's something off about you." Stiles handed him two papers.

"There's nothing off about me." Theo said. "I'm still the same kid I was in fourth grade."


I ran to the school and saw Liam and Mason by the bus area. "Guys, I can explain." I said out of breath. They just stood there and stared at me, both wearing disappointed expressions. "Stiles dragged me to the woods to spy on Theo and I ran here." They still said nothing. "Liam, I think we should tell Mason." They both just stood there wide eyed.

"There's a wolf." Mason said.

"Yeah, I'm getting to that," I said but Liam cut me off that time.

"No, there's actually a wolf. Turn around." He said. I did as told and a big, black furred wolf was behind me.

"Run," I said calmly. We all ran into the school and the wolf followed us. We kept running until I realized that Liam and I could fight it.

"Liam," I whispered, "we fought a berserker, we can fight one little wolf." He nodded and we both got into our animal forms and the wolf ran away.

We turned around and looked at Mason. "There's, something we need to tell you." I said.

"You're werewolves." He said then smirked.

"Sort of..." I said.


On our free period Liam, Mason, and I went to the bus area where we met Stiles, Lydia, Scott, Kira, and Malia.

"So, let me get this straight, werewolves, werecoyotes, banshee, and, fox?" Mason asked.

"Kitsune," Kira said, "but fox is okay too."

"This is all so much to take in." Mason said. "What about you, Stiles?"

There was a long pause. "An abominable snowman." Stiles said. "But it's more of a seasonal thing..." There was another long silence.

Theo joined us and I was tempted to walk away but when I tried Stiles made me stay there. Theo had the usual smirk on his face and he looked at me, Mason, and Liam.

"I'm surprised you didn't know it was me." He said.

I looked at Liam and Mason then back at Theo, "We didn't know what was you?" I asked him.

"Last night, the wolf. It was me."

The Forgotten Stilinski {Book 1} (BEING EDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz