Chapter 13

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Like always, I was hearing a voice. I followed it and it led me to some kind of underground lair.

"Hello?" I asked, half expecting an answer. Nothing. The voice was back and then I felt metallic hands on my arms.

I tried pushing them away and fighting them, but I couldn't get out of their grip.  I felt a needle go into my neck then everything went black.


I opened my eyes to see I was strapped to a metal table. I looked around to see if anyone was there with me, but no one was.

"Hey!" I screamed out. "Somebody! Help me!" I was struggling to get away until I heard a male voice.

"I'm sorry." The guy said. "I had no clue they were going after you."

I looked to my right and saw Theo walking out of the shadows.

"Theo?" I asked, "why? Why are you with them?" I was starting to freak out.

"Calm down." Is all he said.

"What are they going to do to me? Or, what did they do to me?" I asked trying to calm myself down.

I heard another voice that I knew wasn't Theo. "Your condition was terminal." The same masked people that made me black out dragged Theo away.

He tried to get away from them to get back to me, but their grip was too strong.

And once again, I blacked out. But that time, I felt something sting in my neck.


I kept hearing voices.

But this time, they were louder. And there were more than usual.

I tried running away from them, but wherever I went, they were still talking. I tried getting them to stop but they wouldn't. I couldn't take it.

So I just screamed.

-Stiles' POV-

I was sitting at my computer desk when I heard a scream. It sounded like Lydia so I decided to call her.

Stiles: "Hey."
Lydia: "Hi."
Stiles: "Is, everything okay?"
Lydia: "Yes...Why wouldn't anything be okay?"
Stiles: "I heard a scream. And I thought it was you."
Lydia: "That wasn't me."
Stiles: "Then who was it?"
Lydia: "I don't know. But we should probably find out."
Stiles: "Is there, any other banshee, that you know of?"
Lydia: "Only Meredith. But I know, that it wasn't her."
Stiles: "I'll...I'll call you back in a minute. I have to do something."
(End of conversation)

I went to my board and picked up the white colored pencil and wrote "who is the other Banshee?"

-Sarah's POV-

Why did I scream? I kept asking myself.

I ran back home and into Stiles' room.

"Stiles," I said out of breath, "we need to t-" I cut myself off when I saw what was written on the board: "who is the other Banshee?"

I studied the words for a few minutes then turned back to Stiles.

"Stiles, did you hear a scream?" I asked him.

The Forgotten Stilinski {Book 1} (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now