Chapter 7

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The moon that night wasn't like any full moon. It was a Super Moon. Even Derek was barely able to control himself but he managed to stay human.

Being a young beta and young coyote, Liam and I weren't able to stay in control. Liam and I were trying to break the cuffs but it wasn't working.

It was just digging into my wrists. I kept trying to attack Stiles but he was trying to get me to calm down but I wouldn't.

"Do they like each other or something?" Derek asked trying to keep Liam off of him.

I kept pulling at the cuffs at my wrists and they finally broke. I jumped at Stiles and he was trying to keep me off of him.

"Yeah, they're dating." Stiles said still struggling.

"Make them hold hands or something! It's the only thing!" Derek yelled at Stiles.

Stiles grabbed my arm and Derek grabbed Liam's and they made us hold hands until we both finally calmed down.

"For a minute there I thought we were gonna rip your guys' throats out." I said laughing.

"You guys need to stay together tonight." Derek said. "I remember my first Super Moon. I almost killed my best friend. And when they tried with the girl I loved it didn't work. Nothing, worked. If your love is strong enough to get past a Super Moon, you guys should stick with each other for a while."

I smiled and rested my head on Liam's shoulder.

"He's right." Stiles said. "Stay together. And I'm not just talking about tonight. I think you guys love each other more than I did Lydia in third grade...and that was a lot."

-Lydia's POV-

I was at the school to see if I could find anything of Kira's that had a stronger scent of her. I went to her locker to get her coat.

"I hope this works." I said to myself. I grabbed her coat and felt like something was behind me. It closed Kira's locker and I ran away.

It followed me and I dropped Kira's coat and my phone. I hid downstairs and it didn't follow me.

-Mason's POV-

Liam texted me to find Lydia so I did. I saw a coat and phone and thought that was why she wasn't answering her phone.

I looked all over the school then I finally went to the basement where I found her.

"Lydia? I've been..." She cut me off by pulling me against the wall.

"Stay back!" She said. "Do you not know what's after us?" I shook my head. "I don't know what it is but it's looking for me."

"Okay, why do you keep saying it?" I asked.

"Because it's not human. It has an animal skull for a head. And it looks kind of...Boney." She said.

I was still confused. I looked to see if it was there and it was. It was just standing there, not moving.

Lydia walked to the extra sports equipment bin and grabbed a baseball bat.

"Baseball bats? Really?" I asked her.

"My friends and Liam, your best friend, are in trouble and need our help. A baseball bat has protected Stiles and he made it this far. It's either this, or nothing." She said.

She grabbed one and mumbled something to herself as she was walking swiftly at the thing. I grabbed a baseball bat and ran at it screaming.

But then someone was behind it. "Hey, you!" He said, and the beast turned around. "Catch!" It caught it and the guy told me and Lydia to get back.

We ran back to where we were and the monster blew up. I stood up and looked at the pieces of the thing.

"Well that worked," I said. "But who are you?"

"Sheriff Stilinski." He paused. "Are you guys okay?"

Lydia and I both nodded and we went upstairs with Sheriff Stilinski.


-Sarah's POV-

We got to an ancient building and everyone except Braeden and Derek went in.

Malia and Peter went to find Kira while Liam, Stiles, and I went to find Scott. But a berserker started chasing us.

"Stiles! Go find Scott, we can take this thing." I said.

"No, I'm not leaving you." He said.

"Go!" I yelled at him and he ran away. "Okay, on the count of three, let go of my hand. We need the power if we're going to take down this thing." I said to Liam.

"One...Two...Three." Liam counted then we let go and I lost my control and we both ran after the berserker.

-Malia's POV-

We found Kira then went to find Liam, Stiles, and Sarah. We saw them fighting a berserker.

I was about to attack it when Peter stopped me. "No, this is their battle, let them fight it."

-Stiles' POV-

I couldn't find Stiles but I saw Liam and Sarah fighting a berserker but it had Sarah pinned up against the wall.

I was about to run after it but Sarah yelled at me not to because it was Scott. I didn't know what she meant but then I looked at its arm and saw Scott's tattoo.

It was Scott.

-Sarah's POV-

I tried kicking Scott away from me but he wouldn't let me go. He pulled out a bone knife.

"Scott stop!" I said. "You're not a monster, okay?" He cocked his head to the side. "You're a werewolf, like Liam, and Derek." I looked at Malia and Peter. "And Peter."

Scott lowered me to the ground and backed up. He ripped off his mask and he was in half-wolf form. I smiled. I finally had my other brother back.

I was on the ground and Liam helped me up and held on to my hand. Scott looked at Peter.

"You," he started, "the only person who knows as much about berserkers as Argent is you."

Peter wolfed out and was about to go after Scott but Malia and I jumped in his way and he pushed both of us away. "I'm sorry, we'll talk about this later." He said.

Liam kneeled down next to me, making sure I was okay then quickly grabbed my hand again.

Peter and Scott started fighting and I tried to stay back because I was afraid I was going to get hurt if I got in the way.

-Derek's POV-

The Calaveras, Braeden, Chris Argent, and I were fighting Kate and a Berserker when I got shot.

"Derek?" Braeden kneeled down by me.

"It's okay," I said. "I'll be fine." She walked away and started shooting at the berserker.

My vision started to blur and my eyes closed.

-Sarah's POV-

Scott beat Peter and we walked out of the ancient building where it was daytime and only Chris, Derek, and Braeden were waiting for us.

"Were you really a US Marshall?" Derek asked Braeden.

"I was," she said, "but it's hard to keep a job when you're too busy obsessing over finding someone."

"Who were you trying to find?" Derek asked.

"I don't know a name, I only know a code name." She replied. Derek only raised his eyebrows. "Desert Wolf."

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