Chapter 1:A visit from the stork

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Nathan Sykes

Nathan's P.O.V

It's been three months since my parents break up and for three months ,me and my two years younger sister,Jess,are travelling from out mom's house to our father's

Right now my mother is preparing dinner and me and my sister are making the table

"Jess can you please help me with dishes sweetie?"my mom asked her and her head shots up from making the table

"Yes mom!"she said and i watched as a tiny blonde hair figure ran into the kitchen.She returns with two dishes in her hands placing them on the table and mom followed her with another plate."When we finish i want you to help me clean the table and then you two can have a free time,before you go to bed"

She says and we cheer.

After the dinner we did as our mother told us and when we finished cleaning I made my way to the piano,in the living room, and Jess went upstairs to take her dolls.

Even though its been only three months my life is like hell...I ran my fingers on the piano keys and closed my eyes before i start playing a song my mom taught me when I was five.

An hour had past and I heard my mother calling for us to get ready for bed.I stopped playing the piano and my sister walked upstairs after she took her toys from the floor,and I followed her

Before I open the door to my room I notice Jess standing and looking at me with sadness in her eyes like she's waiting to hear something that will make her happy.I smiled at her and she fell into me.I hugged her tight wrapping my arms around her small back.

When she broke the hug I kissed her on the forehead and whispered"Everything is going to be okay Jess.Mom won't leave us"I said and felt her heart pounding into her chest

"I love you Nathan"she whispered and broke the hug walking into her room.Sighing i mimic her actions walking into my room."I love you too!"I called before I close the door behind me.

I can't seeing her like this everyday.Sometimes when coming back from school, she runs to her room, locks the door and starts crying and it breaks my heart everytime!it's not like i can make it better anyway...

Clutching my blanket closer to my chest i rest my head on my arms looking at the ceiling.

My room is a red color and on the walls are hanging posters of some of my favorite football players and on my bedside table is a framed photo of me,mom and jess,dad's taking it.I turned around my body and took the photo in my hand and smiled,minutes later i felt my eyes closing and soon enough i was in the island of dreams...


I slowly opened my eyes from a sound like a crying baby.I stood up from the bed and stepped out the room seeing my mother standing in front of me,apparently i wasn't the only one i heard that.

We walked downstairs and suddenly I heard footsteps behind me and I span my head around to see my little sister in the corner of the wall.Me and mom kept walking to the front door and I felt Jess grabbing my hand.Making a good grip of it I stood behind my mom who slowly opened the front door looking left and right.I hear her gasping and again the same sound,like a crying baby,began.

Me and Jess watched as our mother turned around with a newborn baby in her arms.Our eyes opened wide and we backed up to make some space for her to walk

She walked into the kitchen and searched for something she can feed it with.

The baby is wrapped in a red blanket so i assume it's a girl?

Some minutes later,after she fed it she handed it to me"Nathan darling can you please hold her for me to go and make my bed to put her to sleep?"I nodded and hold her.I looked down at her and she was so adorable she made smile.Jess came to see her and smiled up at me"She's so beautiful"

"I know"I said and a minute later mom called for us to go upstairs.Walking into her bedroom we saw a pile of pillows on the right side of the bed.I put the baby onto my mom's arms and she placed her next to the pillows.Then she started crying...again...

"Why is she crying mommy?"Jess asked worried"I don't know darling".I climbed the bed slowly and l lay down beside her,I stroked her small hand and suddenly her screams stopped.I have the magical touch apparently.Grinning I turn my head to see my mom smiling down at us."Good job Nathan"Jess said."How are we goin' to name her mommy?"she asked and mom placed her on her bed"I don't know love,what about you Nathan,any ideas?"she looked at me"Mmm...I'm thinking about Elina..."I answered stroking her cheek."Good choice...her middle name?".We started thinking.I looked down at her red blanket and my face lights up"What about Rose?"my mom grinned"How did you thought of that?"I shrug"I just saw her red blanket that she's wrapped in"Jess gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at her"So...Elina Rose it is..."

"Elina Rose Sykes"I whispered still stronking her..."The new family member....."

A/N:Hello guys this is chapter 1 which basically had to be the prologue but who cares...I don't know if you liked it but if you did like share and follow for the next chapter(which i'm goin to write even if you like it or not :3)Anywaaaaays....I'm goin to bed now because it's 1:43 in the morning so goodnight lovely readers of this thing I wrote <3

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