Rayna looked at him with very angry eyes. "I don't know."

Anthony crept up on Rayna and pulled her close. He held her by her waist and kissed her forehead. Then began an assault of kisses on his wife's face.

"Okay! Fine! Alright!" Rayna said.

"Can you wear that blue dress I bought you?" Anthony said.

"Are you going to take me out of it when tonight's over?" Rayna said seductively.

Anthony kind of cringed on the inside. He just couldn't bring himself to try for a baby with Rayna. "We'll see." he said kissing her cheek.

Rayna knew what that meant. She took her popcorn out of the microwave and slipped out of Anthony's arms to go into their home theater.

Just like Anthony said, he found a place where they could dine on a patio and not be disturbed. It was a nice night in Seattle. Anthony wanted to make up for the way he acted today and he was doing right.

They got done swapping stories and had just got done laughing their lungs out when Anthony's phone rang. Rayna looked at his jacket pocket. Anthony took out his phone and turned it to silent. Rayna smiled.

"So, why don't you go ahead and tell me about work?" Anthony said.

Rayna retold the story that Anthony missed earlier that day. When she moved onto another story, Anthony started to black out. He tried hard to focus but, he couldn't keep his mind off of Ariane. Why was he thinking about this woman? Anthony snapped out of it when their waiter brought their check. Anthony paid it and they were on their way out.

As Anthony drove them home, he kept getting distracted by the thought of Ariane.





"Anthony. You missed our turn." Rayna said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Anthony said making a U-turn.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he said.

Rayna sat in bed, reading while Anthony was getting ready. Anthony had left his phone charging on the nightstand. It began to buzz. Rayna felt Alexis whispering in her ear to unlock his phone and go through his messages and past phone calls. No, she wasn't going to do it. Rayna trusted Anthony. He'd never cheat or even step out on her.

His phone buzzed again. Rayna put her book away and left the urge inside her to go through his phone. She started to bite her nails in anxiety. It buzzed again.

Rayna leaned over and reached for the phone. Anthony came out the bathroom and caught her in the act. He took his phone back as quick as Rayna picked it up and unplugged it.

"Who are you talking to?"Rayna said.

"I told you. Nobody important." Anthony said.

"Well, this unimportant ass nobody texts and calls you a lot!" Rayna said.

"Please, not tonight." Anthony groaned.

"Why are you avoiding me?! Is our situation that bad that you have to talk to someone else!?" Rayna said raising her voice.

"Rayna, please don't start with me." he said.

"No! I'm not letting this go! Is my body a little messed up? Yeah, I'm willing to admit that. But, I have been taking the medicine like I should so I can make a way for us." Rayna said. "But, you can't even look at me long enough to make love to me so we can have a kid."

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