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Start from the beginning

"Fuck," I cursed in a bare whisper as I released my grip on his neck and stumbled backwards, hastily grabbing onto the ends of the towel to cover myself. Normally, I wouldn't have cared if my guy friends saw my junk, but Calvin was gay and I didn't want him getting aroused over me. Somehow, that seemed worse than the man thong.

I caught a glimpse at Calvin to see that his cheeks had reddened severely, and it only made me want to punch him again. Considering that it wouldn't be too suitable in my current wardrobe, I continued to back into the room until I was pressed against the furthest wall, staying as far away from him as possible.

Maya clapped her hands together to gather our attention. "Now that you two are done killing each other, can we get back to the reason why I'm here?"

Calvin stopped looking at me weirdly and shifted his attention to Maya. "Yeah, why are you here?"

She placed a hand over her heart, raising a perfectly plucked brow and feigning heartache. "Now, is that any way to treat your beloved girlfriend?"

I snuck a glance at Mike, who had seemed to check out of the conversation ever since Calvin joined it. Instead, he avidly tapped on his cell phone and tried to distance himself from the situation. I shook my head in disbelief as I crawled over to Calvin's dresser, tugged open a random drawer, and rummaged through to find clothes to wear.

When I returned to my seated position, I noticed Calvin was staring at me. "Stop looking at me," I spat.

He looked away almost immediately, preparing himself to reply to Maya. "Um, well, I already know you're going to be my girlfriend for the week. What else is there to do?"

Maya slowly rose to her feet and plopped down on the edge of Calvin's messy bed. "The relationship isn't official unless we prove it," she stated as she patted the empty space next to her, beckoning Calvin to sit. She switched her gaze to Mike, and flashed him a toothy grin. "Mikey, can you take a picture of us kissing?"

Mike jumped out of his skin. "What?"

"Take a picture of Calvin kissing me," she repeated as she held out her phone for him.

He looked to me for confirmation, but I shrugged. No matter how many hints Maya dropped, Mike never seemed to understand that he didn't have a chance with her. It was sad, really.

When no one spoke up to ease his mind, he heaved a sigh and took her phone. He aimed the camera at Calvin and Maya. "Whenever you're ready."

Maya flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and dropped her hands on Calvin's shoulders, squaring them. "Have you ever kissed a girl before, Calvin?"

He stammered, "N-no."

This caught her interest. "Then how do you know if you're really gay? You haven't even tried the other side."

Calvin stared back at her like a deer caught in headlights and his gaze landed on me for only a second, before they snapped back to her. "Uh, I-I don't know. I j-just know."

Maya challenged him with a raised brow, but she decided not to pry any further. "Okay, well I'm gonna need you to pretend that I'm a boy for like a few seconds. Can you do that for me?"

He folded his hands in his lap and nodded solemnly. "Yeah."

She nodded toward Mike to let him know they were ready, and he responded with a low growl. I fully expected Maya to make the first move since Calvin was so hesitant, but I was ultimately surprised when he took the initiative by placing his hands at the back of her neck and crashing his lips on hers. Maya didn't need any time to adjust because she had already loosely wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened, and I swore I saw them swap saliva at some point.

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