Chapter 7 - Bets

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"Did you two bet on this?" Will asked incredulously. "What the hell?!"

"Seriously, you two," Liv tutted, shaking her head. "Betting on Will's love life, really?"

"Oh shut it Liv, you're the one who told us we should put money on it," Cash countered, rolling her eyes before turning her attention to the annoyed guy currently glaring at her. "We just bet on how long it would take for you and Oliver to get together," she explained. "I said it would be a week."

"I don't know what I was thinking saying a month," Emmie muttered to herself, shaking her head.

"Are there any other bets on my love life that I should know about?" Will demanded, looking around at the girls in front of him.

"Kimi gets to name my first born if you get married before you're 30," Liv confessed, Kimi swatting her on the arm for telling him about their wager.

"What happens if you have a child before Will turns 30 though?" Cash asked, before pointing out, "They're pretty high stakes for something that isn't really that important either."

"Oh believe me, I'm not gonna be having any kids before I'm 30," Liv answered. "And I know Kimi will pick a nice name if she wins anyway. Better her than Emmie. I'd end up with a kid named like Casserole or Microwave or something if she was gonna pick it."

"Hey!" Emmie piped up in offense before thinking it over. "Oh well, yeah, probably," she realised, shrugging her shoulders. "More likely Shitbag or something 'cause that's what kids are."

"Why do you hate kids so much, Em, jeez," Kimi asked, shaking her head at the blonde.

Emmie just shrugged, not really having a reason. Hate was a bit strong. She didn't mind them, but she just thought children were really annoying. And sticky. How the hell do children get so sticky?

"I don't hate kids. I just... would rather not be around them," she retorted with a shrug since that was more or less the truth.

"Watch, Emmie will probably be the first of us to have kids now," Cash piped in, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"I bet 20 bucks that she'll have one before she's 20!" Will exclaimed, deciding to get his revenge. If his friends were gonna take bets out on him, that he was going to do it right back at them. Serves them right, in his opinion.

"Nah, I say 22. And I'll bet 50 on that," Kimi countered, with Cash betting the same amount for 24.

"Please, she'll probably have one before she's like, 18," Liv teased the blonde with a big grin.

"Oi!" Emmie scowled, slapping Liv on the shoulder a couple times. "Unless I'm already like, 5 months pregnant, there's no way I'll have one before I'm 18, so," she retorted, poking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry.

"So, before you were so rudely interrupted, Will," Liv said to change the subject, giving Emmie and Cash the evil eye but the blondes just rolled their eyes back at her. "You and Oliver are together. Finally. What's gonna happen now?"

Will shrugged in response, not really knowing where they were headed. "Ol wants to come out when we go back to school on Tuesday and be a proper couple. But I don't think he'll be rushing out the closet as fast as he says he will," he admitted, curious as to what the girls thought.

"He probably won't," Cash agreed bluntly, causing Will to wince slightly. "Has he told Stacey about you two yet?"

"No, I don't think so," Will replied, shaking his head.

"Just don't get your hopes up, Will," Emmie cautioned.

"Yeah, especially since the news about Stolly breaking up will still be spreading around. And you and Ryan too," Kimi pointed out. "If I know the gossip mill at school as well as I do, people are gonna be talking about that for quite a while. Like, two big couples in our year breaking up over the holidays? Huge news."

"Ergh, this sucks!" Will groaned. The teen wasn't entirely sure how he felt right now. The logical part of him knew that the waiting made sense. There really wasn't any reason to rush. It really was best to keep it quiet for a little while, at least, until their past relationships blew over and the gossipers started to feed on another story. Plus, Oliver needed time to adjust. Having to tell everyone in his life that he was now dating a boy and pursuing an "alternative lifestyle" or whatever wasn't going to be easy.

But the selfish side of Will was being, well, selfish. He wanted everyone to know that Oliver was his and only his. He knew that once word got out that Oliver was no longer with Stacey and seemed to be "back on the market", girls would start swarming to get a piece of him, much like they had when he first got to the school. He wanted everyone to know so that they'd more or less back off. Plus, he didn't really feel like hiding their relationship. He wanted to be open and free. Hiding felt like he was stuffing himself back in that closet. And he was never going back in there.

Will wasn't sure which side he should listen to.

Well, he knew which one he should listen to, but the selfish side was being incredibly loud today, annoyingly.

"You girls are right," he sighed. "As much as I don't really wanna wait, I guess it's the best thing to do."

"It sucks but it's what you gotta do," Liv said with a small, reassuring smile as she gave the boy a hug. The other girls nodded, agreeing with Liv.

Everyone was quiet for a while, just in their heads thinking. About boys. About school. About friends. About their future. Their past. About how many Oreos they could fit their mouth.

"I'm hungry, we should order some pizza," Emmie stated, breaking the silence. They all began to laugh at Emmie's randomness.

"We just finished the pizzas Will bought, oh my god Em," Cash laughed, shaking her head.

"Fine, some Chinese then," the blonde shrugged.

"Oooh, I could go for some spring rolls, actually," Will piped in, licking his lips at the thought. He was actually pretty hungry. The girls had devoured most of the pizzas he'd brought before he got a chance to get a slice.

"I'll go order then," Emmie announced, jumping up and heading to the kitchen to get the menus.

As conversation started up as normal, talking about the school term coming up and how Priya Joseph definitely wasn't pulling off the blonde hair like she thought she was, Will looked at his friends and smiled.

I have the greatest friends ever.

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