Chapter 12

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That night after I changed into a plain, low-cut, old grey jersey and baggy shorts, I went downstairs for a late night snack . After digging in the fridge for a few minutes, I finally decided to pop some popcorn instead. I popped a bowl of popcorn and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the television and some game show was going on. Even though I wasn't really paying attention, I left it on anyway while munching on my popcorn. Harry then sat down on my right.

"How come you're awake so late?" Harry asked me.


"You know, you look really amazing right now," Harry grinned.

"Dressed like a guy?"

"Exactly," Harry replied and pushed us over so that he was hovering over me. 

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

"I didn't get to kiss you earlier."

"And you won't get to now either," I smirked and pushed him away, sitting up.

Harry pouted and I giggled. He finally sat back up.

"Harry?" I asked shyly.

"You ready for that kiss now?"

"No, I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, go ahead then."

"Do you like me Harry?" I turned to face him.

"Err..what do you mean by that?" he asked nervously.

"You know, forget that."

He just nodded slowly.

"Can I ask you something else?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why did you kiss me? When we were at my old apartment, remember?"


I sat on Harry's lap with my knees on each side.

"Harry? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"" Harry muttered avoiding eye contact.

"When you're ready to tell me, I'm all ears," I whispered into his ear.

I got off him and sat in the spot where I was sitting before. We turned towards the television and all that could be heard was the game show host. Harry then stuck his hand in my bowl of popcorn and threw some up in the air and caught it in his mouth. While chewing, he turned to me and winked. Was he showing off? Well two could play at that game. I took some popcorn and threw it up in the air. Somehow though, all the popcorn missed my mouth and fell on the couch and floor. One piece, unlike the rest, fell onto my chest, and just as I was about to pick it up, it rolled down into my bra! Oh fudge! I hoped that Harry did not see that. I looked at him nervously and he didn't seem to have seen anything so I told him I was going to the bathroom. I almot swore I heard him snicker.

As soon as I got up to go, Zayn popped out of no where and pulled back on the couch, in between him and Harry.

"Where are you going?" he questioned.

"Allison's got ppcorn in her bra!" Harry shouted before I could answer and then burst out laughing.

My cheeks flushed red and I sent Harry a death glare.

"Oh, really?" I turned to see Zayn smirking at me.

I laughed nervously and shook my head.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about," I said confidently and folded my arms.

I then got up to leave.

"Where are you going now?" Harry asked.

"To bed."

"Oh wait, don't go yet Allison," Zayn pleaded and pulled me onto his lap.

"Why should I stay?"

"Because I want you to stay," Zayn replied.

"Me too," Harry added.

"Just let me go to the bathroom first," I got up and went to the bathroom.

I walked to the bathroom and stuck my hand and removed the popcorn and threw it in the bin. I looked in the mirror and fixed my clothes, then exited. When I walked back to the living room though, Zayn and Harry were gone. The television was still on and the bowl of popcorn was on the coffee table.

"Guys?" I called but no response.

"Hello? Where did you guys go?"

I walked into the kitchen to look but no one was there. Where had they gone? I walked back into the living room. Someone then jumped out from behind the couch.


You Belong With Me (A Harry Styles/Zayn Malik Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ