Chapter 1

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It was silent and he just stood there staring at me. I was starting to think that he had actually recognised me.

"Allison?" I heard him mutter.




"Dude! Are you serious?" I shouted at Harry.

"Yes! A dare's a dare!" Harry replied.

My friends, Melanie, Jasmine, Trent, Harry and I were in my room playing Truth or Dare. Harry had just dared me to post on facebook that Britney Reed had the IQ of a toilet bowl. I mean I didn't have a problem because a dare was a dare but why did he have to say Britney?

Oh, let me introduce myself first. My full name was Allison Belle Cooke. Yeah, I know, my initials were A.B.C. but that's my name, so deal with it! I had a little bit longer than shoulder length, chocolate brown hair with natural highlights in a lighter shade of brown. My hair was curly but not really curly. I was average height and had fair skin. I had large brown eyes that I actually really liked. Oh and not to forget my huge glasses that I wore. They were really big and had black rims. And no, these weren't for style, I actually needed them.

I was a huge nerd. My friends were nerds too, all but one. Harry Styles wasn't a nerd at all, he was the most popular guy in school and the only guy who's not a nerd that would actually hang out with us.

Harry didn't know this but I had a huge crush on him. Only Melanie and Jasmine knew. You're probably wondering why Harry hung out with us anyway, and honestly I don't know. I guess he's just nice. I do remember how we meet though and I'll tell you.



It was a Friday and I was really depressed. Not sad, depressed. My day was going really terrible. First, I arrived late because I got held back by the rain and when I arrived in school, I got detention for being late. Later on, we got back our Spanish test paper from the week before and I got a C-. That was my lowest grade ever. How was I supposed to tell my parents? At lunch that day, while walking through the cafeteria, I slipped on something and fell and my drink fell on me. The worst part was that everyone who saw, laughed at me. After lunch, I had a free period and decided to sit by the field and read a book. I sat on a bench by myself and started reading. I then heard someone scream something at me and when I looked up, it was too late. I saw a football (soccer ball) coming straight towards me. I felt a sharp blow to my head and then I blacked out.

When I woke up, the first thing I saw were green eyes. Those beautiful eyes were staring at me. He had brown curly hair and the cutest dimples. I recognised him after a few blinks, he was the new guy. Harry, I think.

"She's awake!" I heard Melanie squeal.

Melanie then told me that she had to go and left me alone with Harry who helped me up from the bench I was lying on. What a gentleman.

"Hi there, I'm Harry."

"Hi, I'm Allison." 

"That was a hard hit you got there."


"I'm really sorry about that."

"It was you who kicked the ball?"

He nodded.

"Well you're forgiven, I've been through worse."

That's how our conversation started. We talked for a few minutes more and then I went home. Harry was the best thing that happened all day, so I didn't mind the huge bump on my forehead.

**********End Of Flashback**********



I got up and slowly went to my laptop on my desk and pulled up my facebook account. I turned back and looked at my friends sitting on the floor, smiling.

"Are you really going to do it?" Trent asked chuckling slightly.

"You heard Harry, a dare's a dare," I said not so excitedly.

I turned back around to face my laptop's screen and began typing slowly. I could hear Harry and Trent giggling in the back. Melanie and Jasmine were staring in shock, they couldn't believe I was doing that. 

Britney Reed was the richest, most stuck-up girl in school. She was the head cheerleader and had long blonde hair. Although she was mean and stuck-up, she was every guy's dream. If Britney saw what I was about to post, she would make my life a living hell. I did the dare anyways.

After doing the dare, it was my turn to ask someone Truth or Dare. I chose Harry, of course. He chose truth and escaped the dare that I had planned, lucky

"Ok so which girl are you currently crushing on?" I asked with a smirk.

" one," he lied.

"You're lying," I said.

"How do you know?" he asked shocked.

"Oh I can tell, is it Kaitlyn Moore? I noticed that you blush a lot in school." 

He paused and looked down for a while.

"Eh yeah, it's Kaitlyn," he muttered.

"Ha! I knew it!" I said smiling.

On the outside I was smiling but on the inside, I definitely wasn't happy. Why did I have to ask that stupid question in the first place? I was really hoping he would have a crush on me, but I thought wrong, obviously.

Kaitlyn Moore was also one of the cheerleaders. She was one of Britney's close friends. She wasn't as stuck-up as Britney though. Kaitlyn was also rich and popular. She had medium-length, black, wavy hair. The thing that was prettiest about Kaitlyn though, were her eyes. They were pitch black. Not dark brown, but black. I liked them a lot though, and apparently Harry too.

After our litle game of Truth or Dare everyone went home. Oh and I almost forgot to say, Harry lived right across the street from my house. My room, like his room, was in the front of the house so I had the front window, and could see straight across the street into Harry's window. We were the last two houses on a dead end and sometimes we wrote messages on paper and read them through each other's windows. 

That night though, Harry went to bed early which was strange. The next day in school he approached me as soon as I arrived.

"Hey Al, can you help me with something?"

"How can I help you then?" I replied with a smile.

"Could you help me get Kaitlyn to go out with me?"

Before I could reply, because I was so in shock,  the situation got worse, as Britney appeared. And she looked angry.


ok hi guys!!! i really felt like writing a new fanfic!!!

plz read and comment!!!

don't forget to vote too!!!

and PLEASE give me ur feedback!!! i need to know if u like it or not

and plz read my other fanfic Lost...In England, But Found!

Thank You! :D

~ Aliyah

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