I placed an arm around the girl's waist, guiding her more efficiently to my room. I would have placed her in the living room, but that was under construction for remodeling. She fell onto the cushion of my bed without hesitation, laying down and curling into a fetal position. She was beginning to shiver, so quickly I turned the ceiling fan off and placed a wool blanket over her. Then, making sure she was comfortable, I ran to my parents room. 

They were both shuffling in their beds, barely even awake. I wanted to scream at them, saying there was a possible victimized girl in my room, but instead I used my energy dragging them out of bed. Far was absolutely furious with me, demanding to know what was going on, while mor was busy dodging furniture. However when I pushed them into my room and pointed out the girl with shaky hands, they fell silent. 

"Why is there a girl in your bed?" Far asked, eerily too calm. 

My mouth was open to speak, but fear was over taking me. I don't think I was ever more scared in my entire life. 

"S-she was at the... the front door." I eventually said, eyes staring at them wildly. "I don't know what is wrong with her... but something is wrong."

That was all it took for mor's instincts to kick in. Sleep was tossed over her shoulder and she speed towards the girl, ordering far to call nine-one-one and for me to help her with an inspection. My breathing was beginning to become erratic, so I had to calm myself the best I could. After rubbing at my face and steadying my breaths, I stood opposite of mor, watching as she began to move the hair out of the girl's face. 

Immediately upon that I stepped back, sure that I was going to be sick. 

"That is Lucy.. Lucy Walker." I covered my face, cursing into them. 

Who the hell would do that to someone as sweet as Lucy?

"Yes, a girl came up to our front door and.. and.." Far entered the room with the phone, looking to me for an explanation. "My son opened the door, so here he is. He can tell you everything."

"Ye-es, um." I pressed the phone to my ear but it wouldn't keep still. "Lucy Walker came up to our front door. She was, uh, disorient-ted. Could barely even walk."

"Sir, I need you to calm down for me. Can you repeat the name of the female?" The dispatcher asked. 

I couldn't tear away from Lucy's closed lids. 

"Sir?" The woman repeated. 

"Lucy-y," I sputtered. "Lucy Walker." 

There was a long pause, the sound of her typing killing me as every second went by. Mor had removed the blanket and began inspecting her limbs for wounds. 

"We are sending  an ambulance and squad car over there immediately."

And she meant it. Within minutes the authorities came. 

They removed my family out of my room while a paramedic tended to Lucy so they could question us. It felt like hours we were sitting there around the dining table, explaining our parts in tonight's situation. For a second I thought they had  everything they needed, but then two people stormed into the house. They were dressed in their pajamas exactly like my family, and their eyes were wild with emotion. 

"Lucy is this way, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. She is safe and healthy." A cop assured them. 

The Walkers never gave my family a glance. They followed after the cop in a rush. 

Eventually everyone else left the table, leaving me to suffer in my head. I wished there was something I could have done. 

"Are you Clayton?" A voice shook me from my dozing off state. It was Mr. Walker, the man who stormed in not too long away. He didn't seem as worried as before. If anything he was relieved, which made me feel less tense. 

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