Chapter 1: The Calm

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       Kate had just came from the training spot where Nightstorm had been training her. She and Nightstorm had grown close for awhile and she was beginning to enjoy his company. He was one of the few people other than Jack that had confidence in her. Something she rarely had as a child.

        Kate wore blue short sleeved shirt and long black jeans. She got on her motorcycle and took off heading for headquarters with Nightstorm following behind. This is where all the Neon Riders were. It was also where Jack was. Kate still couldn't believe it. Before she had been living a calm life with a job. Then they came, the Neon Riders. It was from their arrival that her life began to change. Guess it's true what they say. There's always a calm before the storm.

        She and Nightstorm arrived at headquarters. She was approached by Ben. "The president wants to see you." Ben said. Kate was confused was she in some kind of trouble. "Why is there something wrong." Kate asked. Ben shook his head. "He wants to award you with a medal." Ben said. Kate was relieved. She thought that something may have happened involving Adrian. She didn't want to go straight away back into battle yet.

         Later that day the president arrived, with all his secret service agents protecting him. He approached Kate. "Kate you have done your country proud. You have twice saved your country from great disaster. So for this I award you, the medal of honor." He said as he put the medal around her neck. Everyone at headquarters including the Neon Riders clapped for Kate. "Thank you Mr.President." Kate said.

       The president then got in his helicopter with all his secret service men and left. While Kate was glad to receive the medal of honor, she thought about Adrian. How did he get away? Kate guessed that now she would have to hunt him down. However she didn't really know where to look. She would have to wait until he decides to come out of his hiding place, but when he did she'd be ready for him.

        Meanwhile Allison was in the armory getting ready to track down Adrian, when she saw Jack in the doorway. "Where are you going?" He asked out of curiosity. "I'm going to hunt down Adrian." She said while loading her pistol. "Allison you just came from battle just weeks ago, take a break, he'll show up eventually." Jack said. "No!" Allison said. Jack wished that Allison would just take it easy for once. "You never told me why you hate him so much." Jack said, and it was when he asked that he could see that the reason was flashing in her thoughts. "Back on Starlight my father wanted me to be his heir. I refused but he tried to force me into it. When I still disobeyed him he killed my mother right in front of me. So I ran but he sent his Dark Riders after me, they hunted me down and left me for dead." She explained. This made Jack feel pity for her. She had experienced so much pain. "I'm sorry." Jack said apologetically.

         Allison grabbed her tactical knife and put her helmet on. "Don't be." She told Jack. She then proceeded to leave but before she left Jack stopped her. "Allison, be careful out there." Jack said. Allison nodded. "I will, besides if I'm not you'll miss me." She said jokingly as she walked away. Jack just chuckled.

Authors Note

Its here. The sequel I promised. Finally chapter 1 is here on wattpad. Plz Comment in the comment section what you think and if You Liked this vote and follow me, I follow back. :D

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