"Charlie!" She ran and hugged me.

"Kassidy!" I hugged her back. 

"I've missed you Char. I'm so happy you've decided to talk to me again." She said, almost tearing up.

"I've missed you too, Kass. I'm sorry for never responding to you whenever you tried to talk to me. I've been a terrible friend lately." I apologized.

"Hey, you haven't been a bad friend. I probably would do the same thing. I've never had to go through something like that, but it's understandable why you secluded yourself." She smiled.

"So are we ok now?" 

"Of course. Now not to be rude or anything, but why did you call me?" She questioned.

"Um, well, Luke came back." Kassidy's eyes just about popped out of her head when the words left me mouth, but was soon joined with a slight smile.

"Like from jail?" I nodded, "This is good, isn't it? Now you guys can work out whatever was happening before."

"I guess." I shrugged.

"How did you know he came back?" She asked.

"I had to pick him up. Then we talked and he asked for another chance, but I said that I wasn't sure yet." I explained to her.

"Charlie. I know it's hard, but I think you should at least try to talk to the guy about this." She suggested.

"I know, I know. I will. Just not now. I need time to think."

"Ok. But I think I know the perfect way for you to do that." She smirked.

"Oh no. Kassidy has an idea. What is it?" I laughed.

"You and I will go on a trip."

"A trip? To where?" I wondered.

"It's gonna be a surprise. But it'll help you relax, trust me." Kassidy answered.

"I can't. We can't. How are we even gonna pay for it? I can't just randomly pack up and go somewhere." I argued.

"I've been saving for a trip forever. We can just use that. You're 18, almost 19, and haven't ever gone out to explore the world. Don't you want to?" 

"Well, yeah I do-"

"Then lets go. Just us. We'll have a great time. And it'll help you with the whole Luke thing." She persuaded.

"Fine. Lets do it." I agreed. She was right, I needed to get away and have time to think. This was the perfect way.

"Yay! We leave tomorrow." She squealed.

"Tomorrow? How did you already get the flight? And where are we going?"

"I booked it before I came. I knew you would say yes. And I said it's a surprise. Now pack." She demanded.

I slowly pulled out a suitcase and started throwing random clothes into it. I hated packing, that's probably why I was so bad at it.   

"You're a terrible packer. Need help?" She laughed.

"Wow, I had no idea."I said sarcastically., "And yes, please, help." She came over and started pulling my clothes out of the suitcase to fold them. 

"Only jeans and band shirts? Seriously?" She looked at my with one eyebrow raised.

"What? It's basically my whole wardrobe." I defended.

"You're gonna need a dress or something. You can borrow one of mine." Kassidy told me.

"Why do I need a dress?" 

"You'll see." She smirked.

Next Morning

"Get your ass out of bed, loser! We're leaving!" Someone yelled in my ear.

"What?" I said groggily.

"The trip? We're leaving today. Now get up before we miss our flight." Kassidy said, calmer this time. 

I slowly got up and out of my bed, now fully awake realizing what she said. The trip was today. I had completely forgotten about it. I threw on some leggings and a Panic! At The Disco shirt. We were almost out the door when my mom called me back. I always forget about them whenever I go somewhere.

"Charlie? Where are you going?" 

"Just out."

"Just out? With a suitcase?"

"Um, yeah. I'm just gonna go on a road trip with Kassidy before I have to leave for college." I lied.

"Ok, well I hope you're telling the truth. Bye sweetheart."

"Of course I am. Bye mom." 

We ran out the door and into Kassidy's car. The ride to the airport was not long and we were soon being boarded on the plane.

"Ireland?" I read from the sign that was saying where the plane was going.

"Yup. I've always wanted to go there, and I'm sure you'll like it." Kassidy smiled.

 Throughout most of the plane ride, I was asleep and when I wasn't sleeping I was listening to Bring Me The Horizon. Even after the flight, I couldn't get Luke out of my head. I kept wanting to go talk to him, but I had no idea what to say to him. When we got off the plane, me and Kassidy were greeted by a blonde boy.

"Niall!" Kassidy screamed and ran to hug him.

"Kassidy!" The boy responded. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place where from.

I slowly walked up behind them, trying not to intrude their conversation. 

"And who is this beautiful girl?" He asked, making me blush.

"I'm Charlie." I said, sticking my hand out awkwardly for him to shake.

"I'm Niall." He laughed, shaking my hand. 

Hey guys! I just want to say that the She's Kinda Hot video is amazing!!! I couldn't resist putting it in. And school is starting in a week for me. *gags* I have the next two chapters already written and I'll try to write more before school so you guys won't have to wait even longer for updates. Sorry I'm so terrible at updating by the way. If you're confused about the Niall part, he is not from One Direction in this story, just one of Kassidy's internet friends. It'll be explained more later. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this update. Byeeeeeee.

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