chapter seventeen.

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Author's notes:

Oh hellooo:) Hope you enjoy this very pessimistic chapter:)

chapter seventeen.

Forgive the urgency,

But hurry up and wait.

My heart has started to seperate.

-Look After You (The Fray)

I was in the bathroom, fixing my hair and makeup the next morning while Jack and Finn slept soundly in their beds. Jack's arm was around me this morning.

I loved the feeling of it, yet I couldn't help but thinking, you didn't deserve it, bitch. Look, you even made Jack and Kara break up. And then my guilt level would go way up. Why couldn't I just be happy for once?

I sighed and decided I was just made that way. Flawed. After my makeup was one, I went out to wake Jack, only to realise he was up and on the internet already. "Hellloo Jack," I exclaimed, grinning.

Jack turned to me. "Hello, come over you're live on younow."

I stared at me, gesturing to my lack of pants. He laughed. "Wait a minute guys, she's got something to do. Let's get Finny, shall we?"

He turned the laptop away from me, and I hurried to put on a pair of shorts. "Finn!" Jack yelled.

"Yeah?! What do you want?"

"Come in!"

"Please be decent, both of you!" He called, and I blushed.

"Finn! Make sure your shirt's off!" I yelled back, and heard his chuckle. Jack grinned and waited for Finn to come in before suddenly turning his laptop towards us.

"Say hi to Chanel and Finny!" Jack exclaimed.

The chatbox exploded again.

Oh my god why is she here?

Who's the bitch?

What's she doing here?

What the fuckkkk

Chanel? What!

Get the fuck out!

"Don't worry, I'll be out in a few. Just came to say hello," I explained, pasting a huge smile on my face so no one would think they screwed me over. I stayed for a while.

Jack frowned. "Please be nice."

I'm trying

She's not helping.

She's ugly. Why is she always with you guys?

Don't say that, she's pretty, you're just jealous

I like her, actually. I would have shipped Finnel.

I'm not sure how long I can keep it in for. Jack looked disappointed, and Finn looked worried. There were a few more hurtful comments and nice ones, then they ignored me completely. So then, I said, "Okay, breakfast is calling me. I guess I'll see you guys later. Bye!"

"Bye, Chanel."

"We'll meet you up later."

I nodded, and picked up my tank top and shorts before walking out of the room. Changing swiftly, I went to the buffet hall. I pulled out my phone and connected to the internet.

I rarely check my mentions because of hate, but I don't know why I feel like torturing myself today, so I go on twitter and started reading as I sat down with the rest of the Harries.

You're All I Never Wanted // Jack Harries Where stories live. Discover now