Chapter 39

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*Mckenzie's POV*

When I first open my eyes everything is blurred, I can't quite see clearly which would aid me to know where I am. What place I was currently held in.

I slowly turn my head to the other side seeing some blurred figures, their outline and body mixing into the daylight that's streaming through the windows. I narrow my eyes trying desperately to clear my vision but nothing seems to work

I turn my head back to back to the middle looking up to the colourless ceiling, my body felt sore, it hurt and ached in every aspect but the most pain was at my throat. I couldn't remember what had happened or what was going on around me

I slowly try to push my self up before I hear some voices around me but I can't make out what they say, so I continue to push my body up and lean back on the puffed up pillows. I close my eyes and reopen them to finally see clearly

'Z where am I?' I croak out and he immediately passed me some water to ease the ache and then sat beside me

'Your in the hospital, are you okay Kenzie?' I listen and re think back to everything that had made me come to this place and finally it all clicks

'Ha-Harry where's Harry?' I say sternly

'Kenzie concentrate on you, are you okay?' Spencer speaks to me trying to me stern but she knows as she looks at me that it wouldn't work. That I wouldn't listen. I was dominate and even in this situation I craved control

'I am fine. Now I need to be discharged and taken to Harry. Do I make my self clear?' I raise an eyebrow as she nods and leave to get the doctor

'What er what happened?' Emily questions me and it's then I notice her and Hannah sat beside me

'Nothing to worry about sweetie'

Before anyone else can speak the door opens and the nurse along with Spencer trailing behind walks in, she's casts me a smile

'Alright I was told you want to discharge but I can't let that-'

'I do not care what you can't or won't let happen. I am being discharged today' I spit back as I sit up straighter stating her down , watching her cower

'Er okay , but you need to follow strict instructions. You are to take these 3 times a day, after every meal . It will decrease your pain and help to heal. The bandage around your neck must be taken off and cleaned every 6 hours before being replaced with a new bandage , we will give this to you. If you feel dizzy, sickness or extreme pain it is vital for you to come back in. And please rest, don't strain your self too much'

I nod nicely to the nurse as she finishes leaving the paper work that I had to sign.

It's twos hours later when I have finally been fully discharged and on my way to Harry's room, desperate to know how he is. I had sent all my siblings home not needing them to worry or babysit me.

As I walk into Harry's room I am brought to a halt in my step. Completely paralysed where I stand as my heart breaks and tears rush to the surface. He's laid so brokenly and bruised. It's truly a horrid sight to witness

Everything is so wrong, this shouldn't have happened. It should have never happened. He shouldn't be here, like this. This hurt and battered

I'm snapped from trance as I feel a sharp sting to the side of my face 'you bitch. This is your fault. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you. It's all your fault, it should be you this this not him'

Jade screams as me as I cup the side of my face, shocked and even more broken than I was minutes ago I just stare at her

'Oh dear. Jade don't you dare say another word. This isn't Mckenzie's fault and you should not have hit her. Oh dear are you okay?' Anne speaks harshly before facing me and softening eyes and tone

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