Chapter 18

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*Harry's POV*

I stare at her, unsure of what to do. I was angry because she had been so fucking stupid to drive home drunk but then when I looked at her I couldn't seem to hold the anger

She was right though. She was right for why I had left. When I woke up this morning I was so happy to see her cuddled up in my arms, the way she latched on to me so tightly, but I came back to realise that this isn't what I do. I don't understand

I haven't even had sex with her yet and I'm holding her as she sleeps, taking her out. It's confusing me so much more than I want it to. So I left, I left to think, to get my head together and try to understand what it is that's happening

I spoke with Jax and Kit both of them telling me how much of an idiot I am for leaving her after all she had gone through

I watch as she finished drinking the bottle of tequila, she grimaces at the taste but didn't stop. I take this time to look at the bruise held across her face, the cut is deep but small

The right side of her face though is completely black and it makes me feel sick that someone had laid a finger on her, her own father

I stand still to take in her words, her father is dead. I'm not sure how she would react, is she sad about this, he is her father or happy because he did abuse her so terribly

'Kenzie are you okay?' I ask my voice softer as I step towards her
'Im not sure' her voice sounds broken but she just looks exhausted

'Would you like to have a shower and go to sleep? We can talk in the morning'
'Are you going to be here when I wake up?' And my heart sinks at her simple enquiry

'If you want me to' I'm unsure but I know that I should, I couldn't leave her after tonight. I couldn't leave her like this

'Come with me' she slurs as she walks amazingly balanced to the bathroom 'unzip me' she stands back facing me

I take this time to take in her perfectly fitted dress to her perfectly curved body. The white dress is something so pure and so innocent on the body of someone I know could be so dirty

I move and unzip the dress slowly allowing my hands to grace her back as I do so. Once it's unzipped I move my hands to her back, moving them up slowly and to the shoulders of her dress

Hooking my hands underneath I push the dress from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor, my hands moving to her arms before I wrap them around her waist

Bringing her into me, I nuzzle my face into her neck placing soft kisses and she leans back into my arms. We stand like this for 10 minutes, me just holding her and planting small kisses on her skin

She deserved to be treated like this, held and loved, cared and protected. I didn't comprehend my urge to do this, or how it felt so right, so perfect for me to hold her this way. I couldn't comprehend the feeling of wanting to hold her, care for her, protect her and love her

Eventually I whisper 'get in the shower baby, I will be in your room'
She nods and I place another kiss to her neck before slowly withdrawing and walking into her room

I hear the shower and quickly grab my phone calling Jax 'this better be good man?'

'Jax... I I don't know what I'm doing'
'Whats happened?'

'I came to Mckenzie's and she was drunk, completely wasted. Her fathers died. And she was upset or angry that I had left this morning, when I said I had work, she called me a liar and basically told me my reasoning for leaving. But I just took her to have a shower, took her dress off and then held her. I held her my face into her neck, arms around her waist for 10 minutes'

'And what's the problem?'
'Its not me'
'But you want to keep doing it right?'
'Er yeah only with her though'
'Then it's simple Harry, this is you. This is who you are but it is only who you are for Mckenzie. Now I have told you that I am going back to bed'

I hang up and think of his words, could I really be like this for her? I don't get much time to think before I hear the water turn off and I see Mckenzie emerge from the bathroom in some shorts and a long top.

She walks to the bed and lays down silently, I'm not sure what to do but I take my shoes of, my jeans and my top throwing them to the floor. I place my phone and keys on the side and slip under the sheet with her

She looks over at me, and I simply pull her into my arms, feeling the familiar sense of security and love with her. I know that I sleep better than I ever do when holding her

'Harry how will I tell them their dad is dead?'
'You will find the right words Mckenzie, you always do. And I will be there if you want me to be'
'Thank you, are you going to be here when I wake up?'

'I will Mckenzie, I promise. Now go to sleep okay? I'm here' she closes her eyes and snuggles in to me further. I tighten my grip and let a breath out I had been holding. Maybe this is me. Maybe I am this way. But only for Mckenzie

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