Chapter 25

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*Mckenzie's POV*

I finally reach my home which is still looking battered. I sigh as I walk in to begin clearing it up. I'm so exhausted with everything that's happened.

My body feels drained , my eyes heavy, I'm shaking from being in this apartment again. I hate it. My checks are cold from the tears running down them

I cannot believe he made me cry . He made me cry the first time in over 4 years. Why did I let him get close? Why did I give him the opportunity?

How could I be so stupid to allow him into my life in such an intimate and deep sense. He knows and seen things I wouldn't dare tell or show anyone in my lifetime but I exposed my self to him. I was a fool. An idiot to think he could change. He would want me. Well he wanted me just not to be with me.

As I work to clean this mess before security comes I put in some music to speed up the work. I look down and sweep the glass away.

Is that a Tear I spy. Oh how sad. Do you feel broken yet?.

With the message was a picture of me walking from his house, wiping my eyes as I made it to the street. I honestly can not wait to find out who this person is

Frustration runs through my body as I continue to clean. Thinking about all the times he had taken me out. All the times he had held me in his arms when I needed him to. How he cared for me the way I needed. The way he would kiss me slowly and passionately. It felt so real but I knew then and I know now. I was just so stupid to try and ignore it

------6 hours later--------
There's a knock at my door and I have no idea who it is. Security had come over two hours ago and I now have an alarm fitted along with some cameras planted around

I stand and wrap my body in the robe I had just got out from the shower. Making my way to the door to see who it is and I can safely say I'm shocked to see Harry stood there, he appears tired, sad almost broken as his eyes search mine

'Harry what are you doing here?' His eyes scan my body as I raise an eyebrow at him
'I er I came to show you something can I come in?'

To answer him I just move away from the door and back into my apartment allowing him to enter. He follows me to the living room where I had been sat staring at the picture and message I had received hours ago

When he sees the picture he doesn't look shocked but simply picks it up and reads the message, his jaw clenches as he reads it. 'You got one to?'
'To? Does that mean you got one?'

He hands over the same picture with the message scribbled on the back :
Oh Mr Styles. Watch the art of your work. Tear after tear. How long till you ruin her?

I shake my head in disbelief. How could someone enjoy this? How do they always know where I am and what I'm doing?

Harry stares at me for a few minutes evaluating me, he obviously trying to decide what action he should do next I look up at him not knowing why he is still here

'Well thanks for showing me. You can leave now' I point to the door and he follows my finger before looking back at me
'I don't want to leave you like this'
'Why would you care? Harry I am exhausted, please don't try and fight with me right now'

'Im not, I- I just' he can't complete his sentence and instead he moves closer to me
'You what Harry? You come to watch me break down and cry for the first time in over 4 years. You come to tell me how you found it so easy to get me to bed before being interrupted. You what Harry?'

His eyes soften more and his eyes fill with hurt and regret. 'Im sorry'
'What?' I ask in disbelief
'Im sorry for what I said. I'm sorry for hurting you. I- I was enjoying our evening but I got a text and that's why I snapped and this morning the text was on my mind, again that's why I was so vile towards you'

'What text?' He hands me his phone and I immediately find the text that caused him the upset

Getting cosy. Not long and you'll be married and she will be controlling your life. Or should I say ruining.

I sigh, as I pass his phone back to him . 'Harry we was watching a movie. That's all'

'I know . But it's not what I do. I don't watch movies. Or have women stay over. I don't have lunch or take women out for dinner. I don't do anything but care for myself. I please myself by controlling the women and sleeping with them. I don't cuddle or sleep in the same bed as women.

I don't care for them or their siblings. I don't want to be near them , hold them or protect them. I don't get jealous And that text made me realise that the stuff I'm doing with you isn't what I do'

'I don't understand Harry, we have been doing this for over 2 months. You stay here nearly every night. You hold me. You protect me. You get jealous. You do all the things you say you don't or won't do. I don't understand and why don't you do it?'

'I don't do it because I don't date and that stuff is what couples do. So I just don't do it... But I do it with you and I love it, I only do it for you and I only ever will'

'What is it you exactly want Harry? I'm tired of this game you play, if your going to be nice and caring and then snap and push me away ,save it. I haven't got the energy so what ever you say you best mean it. Now tell me what is It you want?'

'I want you. And only you In every sense there is.'

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