Chapter 14

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*Harry's POV*

We had just arrived at her apartment building and I was really hoping that her siblings weren't there. It's not like I don't like them when actually I do quite enjoy their company but I do just want to chill out with Mckenzie, Kit and Jax, if we have to be here

We knocked her door and waited patiently. Kit was absolutely dying to meet her and wouldn't stop asking questions, whereas Jax just wanted to see her again

She opens the door in a robe and my eyes widen at her sight, I am quick to step in front of her to cover her body from view of the two pairs of eyes behind me.

'Mckenzie what are you doing opening the door dressed like that?'
'Well I am opening the door to the three of you. And I had to run from the shower to get it so be appreciative I had enough time to grab this robe'

I hear snickers from behind me 'go get changed Now' she crosses her arms, raising an eyes brow at me
'No, come in boys. I got some beer, wine. Whiskey, vodka. Whatever you want in the cupboards'

She steps to the side and pulls me inside, as the boys laugh at her telling me 'no'. Frowning I walk into the apartment with my arms crossed angrily at her body on show

'Nice place. Wow it's lovely'
'Thanks, why don't we sit in the living room and watch some TV of something' we agree and follow her to the living room. Sitting down I watch as she unties the knot in the robe belt.

My eyes widening at her slowly taking it off, 'Mckenzie what the hell-' but I'm cut of as she throws the robe over me. I pull it off quickly to see her sitting down with a t-shirt on and shorts.

'You really didn't think I would answer the door to you three like that. If they are anything like you... That would be a mistake' I smirk at her words as the others laugh

The night continues with laughter from everyone, I could tell that they loved her already. She was exactly what they would want in a friend or intimately. I could feel jealousy coming over me when Kit or Jax would lean forward every now and again, closer to her

'So Mckenzie what's the wildest thing you've done?'
'Mhmm- I went cliff jumping- she pauses- illegally. Nearly killed myself but it was fun' I stare with amazement at her as the other two jaws drop

'Haven't you done that Harry?'
'Yeah I done that to, but legally' I laugh
'Okay Mckenzie what's the best place you've had sex?'

She ponders for a little while and I immediately hate the thought of anyone else touching her the way I should only be able to. I hate the thought of someone kissing her and making her feel good

'Im not sure, I had sex in my old office while the employees were outside working. A car that was interesting'

'Mhmm some good office sex. That surprises me. You seem like the girl to stick to the bed'

She lets out a loud laugh at Jax's words. 'Oh please. If you want to be a little romantic sure I can go for the bed or sometimes when having sex with someone for the first time. But sometimes don't you just want to walk in the door to be slammed against the wall and fucked, or while cooking to be fucked against or on the counter. In the shower. Bath. Sometimes it's the unexpected that's better'

She stares intently at me at the mention of being slammed to the wall, remembering how she had done that to me. She smiles innocently as she speaks again staring straight at me 'but then again sometimes I want to be the one to push you down and take control'

The boys gape at her words 'Harry she's like another you. Oh my god' Kits voice goes to my ears and I snap my head in their direction, my eyes going hard at his words but before I can speak I hear a phone ring

Mckenzie looks down and answers the phone, she smiles as she listens but it quickly turns to a frown and then panic.

She stands and drops the phone from her ear, her glass of wine leaving her hand and smashing to the floor. She turned on her heel and ran from the the room. I stood frozen as I hear the front door shut.

'What the fuck' I breath out but quickly follow after her. I could hear kit and Jax behind me as we ran from the apartment, we caught up with her and saw her run into apartment 4, her siblings.

I run in after her, quickly followed by Jax and Kit. We all freeze at the sight of it. Emily is on the floor screaming and crying out in what sounds to be pain.

Mckenzie has straddled her waist, taking her wrists in her hands and pining them above her head on the floor. I see her lean down whispering something in her ear. Continuously Emily thrashed under her but it didn't move Mckenzie one bit.

I could see Zac and Hannah in the corner of the room. Sat quietly, Zac holding his arm to his chest and Hannah trying to get him to release it but he refused. His eyes were solely on Emily and Mckenzie

My eyes go back and I see Mckenzie lift Emily up wrapping her arms around her body, as Mckenzie cradled the now sobbing girl. I look at kit and Jax, they stare with wide eyes at what they had seen. None if us move or even take a step

'Shh Emily. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you' Mckenzie repeats over and over and over again, eventually she had stopped crying and Mckenzie had picked her from the floor and taken her out of the room and to what I presume is bed

I move towards Zac as I see tears fall from his eyes. 'Zee what's happened!' My voice is soft but he hair stares at the space where they had been, still clutching his arm, I look and see blood

'Let me see your arm' I try but no response
'Harry there's no use. Mckenzie is the only one who he will allow to touch him when this happens' I'm confused and unsure what to say

'are you okay Hannah?'
'Yeah. I didn't find her like that it was Zac. All I did was call Mckenzie'
'What happened?'
'I can't tell you. Mckenzie would have to'

I nod and look back at Zac, I went to speak but I hear Mckenzie behind me with her soft and broken voice 'Zee let me see your arm' Zac looks at her and stands before walking to her

I watch as she cleans what appears to be a slash across his arm. She cleans it and speaks softly to him, so softly I couldn't hear her words

I watch him walk to his room and shut the door and then Hannah soon follows to her room after hugging Mckenzie

'What just happened?' Kit asks as I face them
'I don't know, but I'm going to find out. I think you guys should go. I think Kenzie is going to need me tonight'

As they smile and nod walking out the room, they both stop as Jax speaks 'you say you don't know how to date but your already caring for her. Knowing she will need you tonight, so you stay'

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