Chapter 4

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*Harry's POV*

I've never met someone that could be so captivating. Have someone take over my mind, my thoughts, my desires within two meetings. Someone that could completely dominate me and do it in a way that would arouse so much it wouldn't bother me so much that I'm not in control. Someone that I battle with and they put up a worthy fight against me. It was something I was cravings, the fight for control and dominance. In such a short time I didn't want complete submission, not anymore. I wanted a battle and she was it, Miss Keating was that battle and she was one I was to enjoy

I hear the click of my office door but I don't bother turning to face it. Already knowing who it is or who they are.

'Cecilia I am more than sure that Jax can find his own way into my office.' I turn and face them seeing Jax walk to the seat and sit down smirking. As Cecilia tries to make it look like she hasn't pulled her dress down to show more cleavage than usual. She tries to act innocent and like I still want her.

I knew that as soon as I had slept with her it would be a mistake, she is like a leech that's stuck to me and won't remove itself. I should fire her but I guess she is okay at her job. I know she's scared of me, although she makes every advance for me as possible, I know that I can easily put her in her place. I know that she is aware that there is never going to be a second time with me.

She stands staring at me seductively and I have to restrain myself from rolling my eyes 'out Cecilia NOW' she jumps back and walks out the room

'Man she is such a leech' Jax laughs
'Just what I was thinking, so what you doing here Jax? And where's Kit?'

'Well I'm here to see my best friend. Kit's with some chick, I don't know. So what's going on man? You seem a bit distracted'

'You could say that. There's this woman I met. And I don't know she just.... Took complete control. Like seriously she wasn't intimidated she held her own. You should have seen her with an ex employee she completely destroyed her- the employe went to hit her and she caught the hand before she could'

'You mean to tell me she wasn't intimidated by you? And she took control over you, where did this happen?'

'My office, her office'
'Your telling me she took control of you in your own office and you let her'

He begins to hysterically laugh 'I know I know. Shut up will you'
'Oh man! Who is this girl? I want to meet her'
'Because if she can do that to you then she is worth something. So who is she?'
'Mckenzie Keating.'
'Wow... She's hot'

'Jax shut up! Can you get her number for me or not?'
'I can get it, don't worry, I just need 10 minutes with your computer'
'Good because you got 5'

I stand and walk away from my desk to make some coffee as I think about the article she had written. I had never read anything like that not when it's about me. It was so beautifully written, so honest with what she truly thought. I'm not an easy person to get on with and if I'm honest I haven't had a relationship for the simple fact that they never work. I don't see the point.

I wouldn't have a relationship. Well I wouldn't know what to do or how. All I know is how to get pleasure from the women I sleep with. It's wrong I know but right now I don't care.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jax 'got it' he hands me a piece of paper with a number in it.
'Thanks , now off you go I got work to do' he walks from the room and I am merely alone with the work that's piled up for 30 minutes before there's a knock at the door

'Come in'
The door creaks open to reveal a timid little blonde haired girl. A smirk appears across my face as I gesture for her to come in further. She walks in and sits down

'Ah ah ah you don't sit. You get up walk to me, get on your pretty little knees' she nods and follow my instructions. I look down at her kneeled before me.

'Now.' I lean over so my lips are to her ear 'you will suck my cock like the good little girl you are'

it doesn't even take her a minute to reach for my belt buckle and undo it. Oh she's so easy. So simple. So intimidated. So submissive. I smirk knowing I'm about to receive pleasure from this girl but then again I can't stop the thought of how easy this was, how easy and simple. No challenge.

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