Chapter 20

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(Larissa pov)

I strike at Darth Vader. He parries my blow. This continues for a while.
"Pathetic," he snarls.
"Last I checked, you tried to erase my memories! If that's not pathetic, I don't know what is. You must have been too weak to turn me to the dark side without completely erasing who I was," I pant.

"Foolish girl. Say goodbye to your rebel friends-and your sister." Vader growls and slams me into a wall using the Force. I hit the ground, landing on my back, and watch as his lightsaber comes down towards me. So this is the end. I close my eyes as he stabs me through the heart. I hear Jessie scream.

(Jessie pov)

Before the Inquisitor can reach Ezra and I, I hear Darth Vader growl and watch as he stabs my sister through the heart with his lightsaber. She closes her eyes. I scream and rush over to her, falling to my knees. The Inquisitor lets me pass.
I hold her head in my lap and tears stream down my face. "Larissa!"
She slowly opens her eyes. The aqua eyes of my sister dim to an ice blue. "I'm so sorry," she whispers. "About everything."
"No, no please. Don't die," I cry.
She looks at me-and smiles lightly. "Too late for me, little sis. Take this."
Little sis. She hasn't called me that since Korriban, when we were little and all I cared about was that she was a minute older then I was. She grabs my hand and places her lightsaber into it. "Now... You don't have to use...the red one." She smiles again and I feel her life force fade, then disappear.
She's dead.
"Jessie!" Ezra screams. He shoves me out of the way as a red lightsaber pierces the ground where I was. He lands on top of me. The Inquisitor has regained his lightsaber from where I dropped it when I ran to my now dead sister.

Darth Vader and the Inquisitor corner us. Larissa's body lies at the side, her eyes still open, her lips still smiling. Her blonde, red, and lavender hair floats around her head.
Ezra gets off of me and pulls me to my feet. He grips my hand, pushing me behind him. I fall into a corner.

"No where to run, children," the Inquisitor says. "Surrender now, or die. This is your last chance."
Ezra glances at me. Then he turns around and spots Kanan slowly making his way towards us.
"We will never surrender!" Ezra cries, stalling for time. Kanan creeps forward.
"Then so be it." Vader and the Inquisitor raise their lightsabers-and go flying into walls. Kanan has Force-pushed them away and proceeds to knock them unconscious with a well-placed kick to each evil head.
"Come on!" Kanan roars, and leads us out of the cell. His lightsaber is now attached to his belt, and I grab mine from the Inquisitor's belt along the way. Ezra grabs his and we flee Imperial Headquarters, and escape out into the busy streets of Capital City. Then, we start for the Ghost.

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