Chapter 7

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(Jessie pov)


I am walking around the Ghost. I turn a corner and see Ezra at the other end of the hallway.
Jessie, he calls.
Ezra! I call back.
He walks toward me. Jessie, I'm in danger. Help me.
How? How will I know where to find you?
But there is no response. Ezra disappears.
Ezra? Ezra! I shout. But he's gone.


Then I wake up, sweating and calling Ezra's name. Hera is lightly shaking me. "Jessie wake up!"
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I sit up.
"Hera, where's Ezra?"
"On a mission with Kanan, I think. Why?"
Larissa bursts through the door. "Ezra's in trouble! I felt it! Through the Force!"
"I had it in a dream," I tell her. Then I notice her hair. "Wow, your hair!"
Sabine walks in behind her, helmet off, grinning. "You like? Red and lavender are definitely your guys' colours."
I nod. "Can you do mine later? First, we have to save Ezra. He's in trouble."
"Alright. Hera, let's take the Phantom. Chopper and Zeb can stay here and guard the Ghost, since Zeb is STILL sleeping." Sabine races out the door.
Hera, Larissa, and I follow. "Right!" Hera says. We jump into an attack shuttle (the Phantom) and Hera flies us away. "Where would they be?" she asks.
I look at Larissa, who shrugs. "Capital City? Where was their mission at?"
"Capital City. They were going back to retrieve the crates that Ezra and I post earlier," Sabine says.
"Okay. I'll fly over the city and you three will jump out. I'll stay here and I'll come back when you've got Ezra and Kanan," Hera says.
Sabine grabs a small piece of metal off her belt and holds it to her mouth.
"Spectre 1 and Spectre 6, where are you?" She asks. Kanan's voice crackles through the metal piece.
"I've got both crates. Is Spectre 6 with you? I can't find him. I found his comlink on the ground beside of the crates, smashed. He's not in the city, unless he's in, the only place I haven't tried, which is the Imperial shipyard."
I glance at Larissa. "That must be it. Hera, take us to the Imperial shipyard."
Hera hesitates, then agrees. "Alright."

"Spectre 1, we're on it. Meet back at the Ghost," Sabine says.
"Copy that. Spectre 1 out," Kanan says after a pause.

When we get thereto the shipyard, we hover overtop of it. Sabine opens the door and jumps off the ship, somersaulting and landing on the roof of a docking bay. Larissa jumps off and I go last, landing in a crouch. "Find Ezra!" Hera calls.
"We will!" I call back.

We search the complex, avoiding stormtrooper guards. We duck into an alcove.
"Where could he be?" Larissa asks, worry on her face. Sabine pulls up an electronic map of the shipyard.
"There's one more docking bay. One only for high-level Imperials," Sabine suggests. "Let's try there."

So we peer in the docking bay, and Larissa and I gasp quietly. "Inquisitor," I say quietly.
"And he's got Ezra," my sister says.
Ezra is draped over the Inquisitor's shoulder, unconscious. The Inquisitor is preparing to board his ship and is talking to the same ISB agent from earlier.

"Agent Kallus," Sabine says bitterly.
"We need to get to Ezra!" I tell her.
Sabine's helmet stares at us. "The Pau'uan has a lightsaber. I can't shoot at him without the fire being deflected back at me. And none of us are Jedi! We would be dead in seconds."
"Yeah well, Larissa and I are still Force-sensitive. And we can take the Inquisitor." Larissa says and steps out from our hiding place. I step out as well.
"Guys! Get back here!" Sabine hisses, but the Inquisitor has spotted us. He grins wickedly.

"Ah, the Force-sensitive twins who keep avoiding me. Are you here to surrender?" He asks.
Sabine sighs and joins us. She levels her twin pistols at the ISB agent, who she calls Agent Kallus. He levels his rifle at her as well.
"Oh, and the Mandolorian rebel too. This is a wonderful day. First the Padawan, now I get two rogue Force-sensitives and the Mandolorian dies. Shoot the rebel but stun the others! I want the twins alive!" He orders Kallus, who nods and begins to fire at Sabine. She runs away from us to draw his fire away from us. I take a deep breath and pull out my lightsaber and ignite the red blade. Larissa does the same with her purple one.
"A red lightsaber? I though that you were a rebel, not a Sith," the Inquisitor tells me. I bare my teeth at him.
"It's FROM a Sith. I found it on Korriban," I bite back. "And trust me, I'm not happy about the colour." My sister and I were born on Korriban, our parents' ship had crash landed on it. We lived there until Larissa and I were 7 years old, then a dark sider attacked us and killed our parents. I killed the Sith and took his lightsaber, and then Larissa and I escaped in an escape pod that we fixed from our parents' ship. We crashed on Lothal and stayed here, content to mess with the Empire. And then we found out that we were Force-sensitives from a rogue Jedi who left the order. Another Inquisitor killed him though, before he could train us.

I charge at the Sith, and Larissa flanks me. The Inquisitor laughs and activates a red lightsaber of his own, and drops Ezra on the ground behind him. He parries my attack and laughs as Larissa launches her saber at him. I glance over at Sabine and notices that she has taken cover behind some crates off to the side. Most of the stormtroopers are lying on the ground, but Agent Kallus is still firing. The Inquisitor takes advantage of my distraction, and slashes at my arm. I drop my lightsaber and howl in pain. Ezra jolts awake then, but all I can do is call his name as I slide to the ground, blood staining my black sleeve.

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