Chapter 6

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(Ezra pov)

Once we reach the marketplace in Capital City, Kanan and I split up, in search of those blaster crates from earlier. I spot them after a few minutes and grab one but don't get very far before I hear a familiar voice.

"Ah, the Padawan, out for a stroll in the marketplace. Where is your Master?"
I whirl around and face the Inquisitor. I grab my comlink and start to call for help. "Spectre 1, I-" but the Inquisitor uses the Force and pulls it out of my hand and into his. He drops it on the ground and smashes it with his foot.
"There won't be any reinforcements." He pulls out his red double-bladed lightsaber and activates one of the blades. I start to back away, still holding the crate. I get an idea and use to the Force to throw the crate at the Inquisitor as he charges at me. The blow stuns him, and I run in the opposite direction as him. He recovers quickly and chases after me, shoving innocent civilians out of the way. He finally corners me in an alleyway.
"No where to run, Padawan. Now, you will either come with me and join the dark side, or die. It's your choice."
"Never! I will never join the dark side!" I cry.
"So be it. Then you will die." He raises his lightsaber and slashes at me, but I leap out of the way. I activate my own lightsaber (that was hanging in my belt) and hold the blue blade in front of me in a defensive stance, like I have seen Kanan do.
"Ah, following the Master's pathetic teachings. What about another weapon?" He holds up a dead stormtrooper's blaster rifle. "Is this not what Crystal Kae used?"
My anger boils up inside of me at hearing her name. "Don't say her name! She's dead. She was on your side," I say bitterly.
"In a twisted sort of way, yes, she was on our 'side' as you put it. Does that hurt you?" I can feel him pulling at my emotions, at my thoughts. "Let go!"
He grasps a memory so firm in my head, a memory that refuses to go away, no matter how hard I try to block it out. The memory of Crystal and I. The one where we kissed on the Ghost.
"Ah. Now this is an interesting memory. Care to tell me what it is about?" The Sith asks.
I glare at him. "Get out of my head!"

Then a new worry strikes me. What he finds out that Jessie and Larissa are with us? What if I put them in even more danger than they're already in, because I couldn't block out the Inquisitor? I raise my mental shields and concentrate. I close my eyes and send out a message to Kanan by using the Force, asking for help and telling him which alley I'm in. Then I start to send a communication to the twins, but the Inquisitor sneaks up behind me and hits with on the head with the but of the stormtrooper's rifle. Everything fades into black and I slump to the ground, unconscious.

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