Chapter 2

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(Sabine pov)

Kallus. That filthy, slime of an Imperial. He's caused so much trouble for me and my friends.
His blaster is aimed right at Ezra's heart. Ezra has his lightsaber in his gloved hand, ready to activate it. My twin pistols are in my hands as well, pointed at Agent Kallus and another stormtrooper. Ezra shifts nervously.

(Ezra pov)

My lightsaber is in my hand. Sabine has her blasters ready.

Then I spot a figure moving from roof to roof. I shift slightly so that I can see the figure better. Sabine must think that it is nerves, because she steadies her blasters.

"Last chance, Mandolorian and Jabba. Surrender," Kallus warns. His blaster is pontes right at my heart. One wrong move and I'm dead.

The figure on the roof pauses behind Kallus and his trooper squad. The figure is wearing a hood and a dark brown cloak, and I spot another similar figure in an alcove under that roof. The person in the alcove is also wearing a hood and cloak, but in a tan shade. The figure moves his or her hand slightly, and the glint of a silver blaster catches my eye.

Then the figure on the roof leaps off of the rooftop, does a forward flip, and lands on top of one of the troopers. He or she pushes off and knocks the trooper to the ground, then the person in the alcove shoots the trooper. The two people work in sync, firing and kicking the troopers down, and Sabine stops gaping at them long enough to fire at Agent Kallus. He takes the shot in the leg and falls, howling in pain. He drops his blaster and I step forward and kick it away. Then I take my lightsaber and blast him, stunning him. His head slumps to the ground.

The stormtroopers are all on the ground now. The two figures holster their blasters and stare at us. We stare back.
Finally, I speak up. "Who are you? And why did you help us?"
"Thank you," Sabine says.
"You're welcome," one of the people in cloaks say. Then I feel it. A tremor in the Force. The two people who saved Sabine and I are-
"You're both Force-sensitive," I say quietly. "I could sense it."
The two figures glance at each other, surprised. "You sensed it? Then that means that-" the other one starts, but is interrupted by blaster fire. More stormtroopers have arrived.
"Let's go!" Sabine shouts, taking off. I glance back at the people and shout. "Follow us!"

Sabine races in the direction of the Ghost, but the figures and I are cut off by troopers. "This way!" One of them yells, running down an alley. I follow them and they lead me to a sewer system. They open the cover and climb inside, and I come after them. They slide the cover back into place and the three of us stare at each other.

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