'You're so wrong about everything Lila, Cael is your mate and he loves you.' My wolf cooed in my head. I rolled my eyes at her internally. Lately, she just wouldn't back off. Where was she a year ago when I first started falling for Ashton?

'You ditched me for a year after I'd run away. And the only reason why you're back is because Cael is too. He's not my mate!' I retorted angrily, my face crinkling slightly.

'Why do you keep saying that! Lila I know he regrets it, he's trying to get you to forgive him! Why would he have stopped you in the hallway, he loves you!' She squealed in my ear, and I winced at her pitchy tone.

She hadn't spoke to me in so long, ever since I ran away she'd left me, she had only come back when I needed to shift and when Ashton and I clicked about a year ago. But she'd always been cold to me.

Instead of arguing back I shut her out and ignored her. I couldn't deal with her lovesick and heartbroken monologues because we both needed to move on for the best. But I knew she couldn't, Cael's wolf was her soulmate.

"And first thing we are going to be doing together hand to hand combat, and remember, this is for practice so please do not be rough with each other." Tyler's voice snapped me back to reality, as he nodded to me so I could begin with the lesson.

I straightened up and headed to the front where the people were, rolling my eyes at the ones who were daydreaming or whispering to each other — ignoring every word Tyler had said.

"Alright, you all should have had lessons on hand to hand combat, but that was only the basics of everything. Now we learn to block, throw punches and perhaps some trick shots." I glanced around at the group. They seemed uninterested in my words, their eyes glazed over and some zoned out. "You'll be paired into groups of two."

I snorted to myself. Naturally, I was going to pair them with everyone they hated.

They lined up in a orderly fashion all with their friends. I walked past them eyeing them all and searching for the people that had it out for each other. The wolves avoided eye contact, staring at the ground, the sky, everywhere but at me.

I caught my sisters eye, standing in the front with her best friend — a brunette with model sized legs and a big chest. They whispered and giggled to each other.

My lips curled into a smirked as I glanced at another girl, Sophia Cain. The other teenage "queen bee" of the Moonstone Pack. Back then, my sister and Sophia fought hard to be the best, really my sister always out competed her, but on the good days, Sophia won.

"Cassie Conners with Sophia Cain," I called out the first pair and watched Cassie's mouth drop open in silent scream as Sophie's eyes widened to saucers. I muffled a chuckle at them as Cassie stood forward.

"B-but, no we can't be together." Cassie was the first to speak out of the two of them and Sophia nodded — huh, this was the first time they'd ever agreed on anything.

Cassie glanced over at Cael, who stood picking at his nails intently, and then over at Tyler scrutinized the clouds in the sky, avoiding Cassie's eye. Ava giggled lightly and Ashton only smirked as he made direct eye contact with me.

Finally she huffed and stepped up, and slowly after a lot of nagging from the people around her, Sophia joined in the front and stood beside Cassie.

I continued to pair the rest of them up, after about the fifth pair, the started realizing that I was pairing them by the people they hated. People stopped bothering to argue, I was a stubborn person and they knew it.

After I paired everyone, we lined them up in rows and started training. "You can begin and remember to be gentle, we do not need another person at the hospital." I reminded them as they started throwing punches and kicks at each other. Ashton, Tyler, Cael and I all weaved around the pairs, scrutinizing their technique.

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