"Yeah, a lot of people who migrate from Hispanic countries to the US don't want their kids to learn Spanish because of being teased. But, nowadays, kids should be taught Spanish. Teach her."

"You're such a mom." Natasha laughed. 

"What does that mean?"

"You ask me something, then tell me to do it." She stuffed her mouth.

"You'll get there one day." Shayy laughed. "This little one should sleep for another two or three hours."

"Then so will I." She smiled and continued to eat.

Shayy took Nala to her crib in the nursery and came back out to Natasha. She sat down. Natasha looked at her. Natasha could see that something else was bothering her.

"What's up, Ma?" Natasha asked after taking a swig of water.

"Your father is working with a detective friend of mine and they are close to finding your sister."

"Wow, Daddy hasn't said anything to me about it."

"He will eventually. He just wants to find her first."

"What is he going to do when he does? She's eighteen."

"I think he mostly wants to find her for you. No matter what, she's your sister. But, he wants to know if there's a kid he made out there that he's not taking care of."

"Again, what is he doing to do? She's eighteen. She won't need him."

"You're almost twenty-two, you don't need him?"

"I mean, I'm married..."

"Then, I should leave."

"Mommy, please don't leave." Natasha's eyes widened.

"But, you're twenty-two and married. No need for parents after turning eighteen."

"Okay, I get it. Don't leave me." She replied.

"I have a few more free hours, then I have to go get your brothers and sister. Speaking of, she would like to come over this weekend and help out with the baby."

"Yeah, she can  definitely come over. Juan and Junior aren't worried my baby." She laughed.

"They're boys, they don't care about anything but sports and math." Shayy laughed. "I'll squeeze some more information from your dad about the mystery child."

"Are you gonna be cool if she turns out to be daddy's child?"

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I mean, that's a whole other child, Ma."

"Yes. Like I told your father, it's not like she's finding out about another child he created within the last sixteen years. That would get his dick cut off and a divorce."

Natasha doubled over in laughter. It was funny to hear her mom say that. She knew that her parents were sex crazed. She couldn't imagine them not together and especially with Nigel missing his penis. But, she knew her mother was serious about hurting her father  if he'd cheated. She also knew her dad was a smart man and would never fuck up.

"I'm serious." Shayy responded. "Nigel better not play with me."

"I'm sure he won't Ma. You two are like the perfect couple. Even when you guys fight, I still love the way you handle it. There's no kicking out, you still make sure he eats, you guys yell about it only once and then it works out from there. For as long as I can remember, Daddy has been crazy about you. I love it."

"I know. I love him." Shayy smiled.

"Look at you." She bumped her shoulder.

"What's good ladies?" Tjay walked in stretching. He sported a wife-beater, his hair was growing but didn't look too crazy and his pajama bottoms were hanging off his hips. Natasha's eyes didn't tear away from him.

"Look at you." Shayy nudged her. "Hi Tjay. There's some lunch on the stove."

"Oh good. Thanks. Princess okay?" He asked looking over at Nala's crib.

"Yeah, she's asleep." Natasha replied getting up. She went into the kitchen and fixed him a plate full of pasta.

"Good, I'm rested up and off tomorrow, so, don't stress yourself out tonight. It's clean in here." Tjay observed. Natasha handed him the plate and went back to grab him a glass of sweet tea. He kissed her lips and sat on the couch opposite of her and Shayy.

"Thanks baby and yeah, Ma cleaned up."

"We were going to get to it." He said smiling.

"Yeah sure. Y'all need to figure out what you want me to pick up from the grocery store."

"It's cool, we'll do it. I don't want you going through the trouble."

"I'll do it."

"Seriously, we got it. You don't need to do that."  He said. She could tell that he didn't want to feel like she and Nigel were still the primary care for Natasha. He married her and it was his place to provide the things necessary for living. He wasn't looking for donations from her parents.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you too then. Make sure you're feeding this man and not eating out every night." Shayy looked at Natasha.

"I know mommy, I know. You taught me a lot and I'll make sure I put it all to use with my husband and child."

"Okay, good. Let me know when you're ready to go shopping too. I know you're ready to get new things and these nails." Shayy examined her daughter.

"I will."

"Does you take her shopping require you spending money on her?" Tjay asked.

"Yeah, usually a few grand." Shayy shook her head. "This child is expensive."

"Yeah, I realized that when you guys hired me to watch over her. What eighteen year old gets a body guard? But, don't stress that either, I'll pay."

"Tjay, don't stress yourself out with this one. She's spoiled. The girl can run through money."

"I know. Trust me, I knew she was expensive before I married her. I know it's not going to change. That's how she grew up and I wouldn't have asked her to marry me if I couldn't keep up. I don't mean to sound rude but she's my wife now, I'll take care of all of her expenses."

"I completely understand." Shayy lifted her hands in surrender.

"I just don't wanna feel like she's always going to run to you guys because you have more money."

"Is that why you're moving her to Arizona?"

"No. I mean, I'm moving us to Arizona for more pay so that I can afford to give her everything she's always had. I made a vow to take care of her. I made a promised to your husband that I would treat her just as good as the two of you have or better. Give me a chance."

"Okay, you got it honey. I'm going to get going then. Whenever you guys need a sleep break or whatever, call." She kissed Natasha's forehead and gave Tjay a hug. She went over to check on baby Nala and was soon on her way.

"I don't want you to get overwhelmed with me Troy. I know you're not the richest man and you know I'm not the cheapest girl. But, please don't ever get overwhelmed. Also, don't think that you have to pay for and take care of everything alone. I did have a job before and I do know how to save as much as I spend. My parents, it's in their nature to spoil us. So, don't feel like they're trying to outdo you. Naris is selling big in Miami and they still wanna take care of him. I'll take care of you. You take care of me. We take care of Nala and any other children we have."

"Got it." He smiled. "I just want to be the man you need."

"You are. With my past, you're everything I need in a man. You've proven to me that not all men are the same. I love you for that."

"I love you too." He bit his lip.

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