Chapter Tweny-One| Positive

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I'm on edge, I mean I really am. The fucking rogues are after me now and I swear to god something is going to screw up! I can't even keep my thoughts clear enough to do something good for me!

I look in the mirror at my reflection and smile as I move my hair out of the way to see my mark that proves I belong to Dominic. He marked me again last night in the privacy of our room and things got way out of hand, we ended up mating, again and I'm pretty sure that people could hear me from the other side of the pack house.

"So..." Brook says coming up behind me.

"So?" I question.

"You do realize we all heard you last night." She says as a blush creeps up my face.

"Ahhhhhh." I say coving my face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that Cooper and Jess were...Doing the dirty too." She chuckles and I can't help but laugh.

"So what do we have planned for today?" I question.

"Well, me and Jess were planning on laughing at you and making fun of you and than Jess left with her mate and I'm pretty sure they did the deed so I guess I'll have to make fun of both of you. Other than that I was thinking that we could chill and get ready for whatever's going to happen tonight." She says.

We walk out of my room and into the kitchen where I see my mate, my sister and her mate, and Ian all sitting at the dining room table eating bacon and eggs. I can tell that Cooper was joking around with Dominic about last night Because theres a light shade of pink on my mates cheeks.

"Cooper!" I shout throwing my hands up in the air.

"What did I do?" He asks innocently.

"Well, lets see, my mate is blushing and he never blushes!" I shout.

"I am not blushing!" Dominic shouts.

"Sure your not honey." I smile.

"Bro, shes right your cheeks are pink." Jess laughs so hard she almost falls off her chair.

I roll my eyes at them and walk over to the oven where I grab some bacon and eggs. The food looks very good but I don't know if I'll be able to stomach this all. I don't know why but I feel super sick to my stomach and it's like nothing I've ever felt before.

"Hunter, are you okay? You look a little green." Ian says.

"I'm not feeling too well." I admit.

Just as I sit down at the table my mouth gets that overwhelming feeling like I'm gunna vomit, the feeling of too much saliva being in your mouth.

I jump up from the table and run right to the bathroom with Dominic and Brook on my tail. I lean over the toilet and vomit a few times before putting the seat on the toilet down and sitting.

"Whats wrong?" Brook asks.

"Food poisoning maybe? Or maybe I'm coming down with something." I say as I wet a wash cloths and wipe my mouth.

"Let just see how long it lasts." Dominic says.

"Good idea." I sigh.

Dominic leaves to go do some of his Alpha stuff and I grab Brooks hand so she doesn't leave. I look into her eyes and I know exactly what she's thinking.

"When was the last time that wasn't last night the you and him did the dirty?" She asks.

"I don't know? Maybe a week ago." I tell her.

"Hunter, I think you might be pregnant!" She whispers.

"Thats impossible! I'm not ready to me a mother! I'm only sixteen!" I say in shock.

"Hun, you will be a great mother, you just need to know for sure if your a mother or not. I'll be right back." She says.

She returns in less than a minute and hands me three pregnancy test sticks.

"Why the fuck do you have these?" I question.

"Because I do. Now pee on the sticks I'll be back in three minutes." She says leaving the room.

After about three minutes Brook is by my side and we are waiting for the results on all three. My eyes widen in shock as the results show up on the sticks.

Test one: +
Test two: +
Test three: +

"What am I gunna do? What am I gunna tell Dominic?" I ask frantically.

"Listen to me! You are the fiercest chick I know and if anyone can do this that its you." She smiles and hugs me tight.

I know I can do this but the one thing that runs throw my mind is how am I gunna tell Dominic...

The night came and went, maybe the rogues forgot about what they had planned. Whatever, I'm just glad that we are all safe...For now anyways.


Yay! Well let's hope things stay calm especially with a baby on the way. But could things really be that simple! I don't know, let's find out!



(Updated and edited on August 1, 2016)

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