Bless The US

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*•.Just wanted to write something to, well, show how (in a way) Himaruya's character America got me through rough times with his energetic personality (felt awkward tho writing that 'cause he fictional but... ya know) But I made it so it can be used for a reader insert.•*

It was a cloudy day in the United States. An empty stone bridge crossed over a rushing river as the moon struggled to shine past the clouds. The air was thin but thick as I looked out to endless flow of the water passing under my feet. Cars drove across behind you, ignoring your cries as you gripped onto the stone edge. All the noises around you grew faint as your attention was completely focused on what was to come. It was 8:31 p.m. The time you've decided you would finally kill myself. All the emotion and physical pain you've endured for the past years were finally going to end tonight.

The pain started with your brother. You know he means well, but as of late, he has been treating me like a punching bag. When ever he would see you he would always have a tendency to punch or kick you. And he wouldn't hold back either. Once, he hit you arm so hard that it went completely numb for hours before you could finally feel it again. Your parents see but they don't do much to stop it. They just tell him "stop hitting your sister" then go back to what they were doing. Since you don't bruise easily, there is never evidence of what he does so you can't show my parents or someone so they could help you out. He also swears at you 24/7 and calls you a whore--among other names. You know he's just poking fun but what he says really hurts. Even after you've been so nice to him.. You helped him study and made him dinner, yet he still treats you like you are an object.

School was the straw that broke the camels back. Even though you tried your best to fit in, make friends, and just live a normal life, there you've ended up on the most popular kid in school's black list. Why? It's all because you had a group project together and she decide to do all the work and got an F. To cover up her failure she decided to lie to everyone and say, "it's because she didn't work on it with me" leading to people--who you have never talked to in your life--hate and bully you as well. Therefore, you ended up being ostracized in the process. With nobody to go to for help or guidance, you finally decided to just end it. Simple as that.

You waited for the last car to pass before you hoisted yourself onto the edge of the bridge. Your knee scrapped against the rough surface, but you didn't seem to care. Standing at the edge you looked up at the sky and prepared to take your last breath. "Finally," you thought as you inched closer to the edge and began to extend your foot over the edge to fall in. Suddenly you see headlights followed by a loud screech of tires. Turning around, you see a man run out from his car to you.

"Don't do it!" he screamed as he got closer to you. You started to panic, you didn't want anyone to see you but you had to do it now. This was your only chance. Forcing your attention back to the river, you started to lean over the edge until a hand grasped tightly around your wrist. You tried to shake him off, yelling for them to let go, but he wouldn't. "Let go of me! Let go!" you screamed as you fought to go over the edge, "I just want to die! Please just let me die!" The man wrapped his arm around your waist, lifted you away from the edge, and back onto the street.

You kicked and screamed, crying for death to just take you. "Why won't you let me die!? That's all I wanted to do!" you cried as you tried to go back to the edge. "Stop it, will ya!?" the man demanded, his arm still tightly wrapped around your waist. You shouted, tears pouring down your cheeks as you spoke, "leave me alone! I don't want to live! I can't take it anymore! Everything hurts to much! Why won't you just let my pain end!?" The man didn't say anything as he continued to prevent you from going an closer to the edge.

Gradually, your body began to shake as you shook your head, crying. "I-I just can't... take it," you cried, no longer having the strength to yell. Your legs became weak and you fell to the rough stone ground, crying as your tears fell into your lap. The man slowly released his hold on you and stood over you as you cried, finally able to let all your sorrow out. "Why is everyone so cruel," you say as a fact, your head facing the ground as you spoke. The man kneeled down on one knee in front of you as your tear continued to flow. "All I wanted was an escape," you said as you stared sadly at your hands, "so I could be happy again. Why did you take it from me?"

The man took a deep breath before he spoke, his voice now calm and soothing, "I'm sorry the world's been mean to you, but I need you here, _____." You looked up, shocked that this stranger knew your name, and finally looked at his face. He had short dirty blond hair, sky blue eyes, and rather broad shoulders. This man wore a brown bomber jacket--with a white tank underneath--kaki pants, brown boots, and a dog tag around his neck.

"How do you know my name?" you asked, nervous and curious as to why a guy--that you've never met-- knows who you are. The guy smiled then put his hand at the top of your head, ruffling you hair. "Why wouldn't I?" he said, a big grin on his face, "you're one of my people! I have to know all my citizen's names!" You were still confused as to what he meant but smiled anyway. "Um, I'm not sure I understand, really," you whisper as you look down at the ground again.

The man smiles then rests his arm at the top of his bent knee. "Well, to say this simply, I'm the personification of the USA so I know everything that's happened ever since this place was discovered! Cool, right?" he said cheerfully, his smile turning to an excited grin as he watched your expression change. You looked at him for a second then laughed, your worries suddenly washing away. The man watched happily as you finally smiled, feeling relieved that suicide was finally off your mind.

Finishing your little fit of laughter, you continued to smile as you spoke, "that's really cool, so should I address you as United States of America?" The man grinned as he answered, "you can just call me America! It's a whole lot shorter, for ya!" You nodded then tested the name out, "America... Ok, I guess I can do that."

America chuckled then stood up. "So, you wanna go and visit the firework's festival with me? I totally have the best seats for us when the show starts!" he asked, eager to have some fun. You thought for a second then pulled your cellphone out your pocket. There were several texts from your mother, asking when you'd be home from your friend's house--since that was your lie to coverup your real location.

Quickly texting her back--saying you'd be home around midnight--you returned your phone to your pocket then looked to America. "Sure, let's go," you said, happiness finally warming your body. America fist pumped then grabbed your hand. "Dude! This is going to be off the hook!" he cheered as he dragged you over to his car and escorted you to the passenger seat. You got in and bluckled up--he doing the same in the driver's seat-- and drove off. As he drove, you looked back to the edge where your life was supposed to end but instead it began a new. Looking to America, a smile on his face as he turned on the radio, and whispered.

"Thank you."


So I'm one of the many Hetalians who have been saved by this fandom many a times, so I thought I could finally say thank. If it wasn't for this fandom, I wouldn't be here today.

I hope you liked it!

And again.... Thank you ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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