The Hero Will Protect You!

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Turning on my phone, I looked at all my text messages. Suddenly I spot one that was unfamiliar. I didn't have a contact name for it, all it said was the number.

"What the heck is this?"

Opening up the message, I check to see what it said. Normally I don't get scared by these weird things, but for some reason, it seemed to be a whole lot scarier than the usual ones. It read:

*If you are reading this, you only have 5 hours to repost this message. Or you will get killed in your sleep. Don't believe me? Search (names not put in for your safety) and you will see.*

I quickly searched up the names on my phone's google and the message was legit. All the people listed died after reading this message. My palms got sweaty and I started to feel tears form in my eyes.

"I-I don't want to die..."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I didn't want to repost this message so that other people could get in trouble because of it! But I didn't want to die within 5 hours! I held my knees close to my chest, in a way to make me feel better.

Suddenly my phone rang. I jumped, still frightened by the message. Cautiously I look at who was calling. The caller ID said Alfred. Without hesitation I answer the phone.


"Hey ______! What's up!?"

I couldn't speak. I started to cry out loud.

"Hey, what's the matter _____!? Are you ok?!"

All I could do was cry. I started to hyperventilate and could only listen to Alfred's voice over the phone.

"______! What's wrong! Why are you crying!?"

I tried my hardest to stop hyperventilating so I could answer.

"I-I-I'm s-scared..."

Not shortly after I said that did I start to cry again. I heard Alfred rustle with something on the other line.

"Don't worry _____. I'll be there in a few minutes."

I heard Alfred open and close a door roughly. Then I could hear an engine. Alfred tried to comfort me with words as he drove but none of it was helping.

A few minutes later, I heard a car door slam outside my house.

"I'm at your house so don't be scared if you hear foot steps, ok?"

I whimper as I nod, even though he couldn't see it. The sound of my front door being opened and closed made me still feel a bit scared.

"Are you in your bedroom?"

Trying to wipe my tears I answer weakly.


Foot steps where heard outside my door. The door opened hurriedly and Alfred was there, holding his cellphone to his ear. Turing on the lights, he walks over to me. Removing his phone from his ear, he ends the call. I look up at him, tears still falling from my eyes. He takes a hold of my phone and removes it from my ear. I stare into his comforting blue eyes, feeling slightly better that he was here. Alfred sits on the side of my bed and brushes my hair away from my face.

"Dude, what's wrong?"

Holding my knees closer to my chest I try to speak, my voice still a bit shaky.

"T-There w-was a m-m-message... O-On my p-phone... A-And it s-said-"

Without finishing my sentence, I started to cry loudly again, burying my face in my knees. I felt Alfred wrap his arms around me as he spoke.

"It's alright _____. I'm here. The hero will protect you."

Slowly I started to stop crying. Having Alfred's arms around me made me feel safe. Almost like nothing could ever hurt me in any way. He rested his head on my hair as he rocked me back and forth.

"Do you feel better?"

Nodding, Alfred releases the hug. Smiling at my no longer crying eyes, he scratches the back of his neck.

"Wow ____! You totally freaked me out! I thought someone was about to-"

I stopped him by handing him my phone, the message in view. Takin my phone, he reads the message and pales a bit.

"W-What the crap, bro! No wonder you're crying! I would cry too!!"

I giggle at the thought. Alfred then deletes the message and hands me back my phone.

"Don't worry ____, nobody's going to hurt you while I'm around!"

Alfred then shows me his heroic pose and I find myself laughing. He smiles at me and holds my hand in his. I look into his lovely sky blue eyes as he spoke.

"I'm going to stay here and make sure nobody gets near you, so there's nothing to worry about!"

Smiling sweetly I lean forward and peck him on the lips as thanks.

"Thanks Al."

Alfred states at me wide eyed, trying to figure out what just happened. Suddenly a blush dusted his cheeks.

"Dude, did you just k-kiss me?"

Nodding I giggle.

"It's as thanks for being my hero."

"But you still kissed me!"

"Is that a bad thing?"

Alfred's blush darkened as his gaze moved away from me.

"N-No... I-It's just that... I-I liked it... A lot..."

I blush slightly as I feel my heart skip a beat. Looking down at out hands I smile.

"Does that mean the hero likes me?"

Alfred looks up at me and laughs awkwardly.


Giggling I place my finger against his lips. They felt so soft against my finger tip.

"And I like the hero back."

Alfred looked at me in a bit of surprise then smirked. Removing my finger against his lips, I replace them with my lips, this time staying there for a little while longer. Alfred kissed gently against my lips, wanting to enjoy every second of it. I felt all my worries disappear as the kiss lasted longer. I could feel Alfred squeezing my hand as he unwillingly separated the kiss. Still blushing, he hugs me suddenly. My head rested against his warm chest, his heart beating uncontrollably.

"I love you so much ____."

Gripping onto his shirt I smile.

"I love you a lot too."

Releasing the hug, Alfred laughs.

"Good thing I called, right? Or none of this would be happening."

Nodding I giggle on his chest. Laying down on the bed, pulling Alfred down with me, I look into his eyes once again. Alfred blushed uncontrollably as he looked back into my eyes.

"W-What are you doing, dude?"

Laughing I cuddle up next to his chest.

"The hero needs to sleep too, right? So I'm letting him share my bed with me."

Laughing awkwardly he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Y-Yea you're right. Well, goodnight ____. Have sweet dreams."

"You too."


Hey y'all!! I totally had to writ this to make me feel better. This creepy message thingy was sent to me and it said I was going to get murdered and I freaked out!! I thought I wasn't going to see anyone anymore if I die so I cried (aiya! I get scared way too much! Even my shadow scares me!!) Anyway, that was months ago and I jus happened to remember it and its nighttime so I freaked again. Not as bad as before, but I was still scared. Anyway, now I'm a sleep with all the lights on~ *turns all lights on*

Well, thanks for reading!!! Hope you like it, and have good dreams!!!


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