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'You can't hide the fact that he is mine, my son, Baekhyun.'

Baekhyun read the text he had received from an anonymous number. He knew instantly that it was from Chanyeol. He didn't need to think twice to know who the person texting him was. But, who cares? He wasn't the plain and innocent little boy anymore. Thanks to him, he became an independent man at such a young age, he could balance his times and schedules between his school, work and his times with his lovely son.

He was a strong boy right now; He couldn't be broken like two years and a half ago. He changed, people changed, and life changed. He had prepared himself to meet him again, to fight for himself and his son's sake.

Baekhyun lifted his son who was sleeping on his lap and brought him to his bed, tucked him in, then changed himself into his pajamas before slipping into the bed, lying down beside his son and closed his eyes, let the darkness took his completely.

The next morning,

Baekhyun woke up and stretched himself before standing up. He turned and looked at his son; he was still sleeping. His face looked calm as always while his small hands gripped the blanket tightly. He kissed his son's forehead before heading to the bathroom and took a shower.

Once he finished, he dressed himself into his school uniform and walked into the dining room. He greeted his mom and sat down before stacking pancakes onto his plate and ate in silence. He finished his breakfast not long after that and headed back to his room to grab his backpack. He kissed his son's forehead once again before walking downstairs with his backpack slung on his shoulder.

He bid his mom goodbye and walked towards his school. It was autumn, so the air was a bit chilly. Thank godh didn't forget to bring his jacket with him. He stopped for a while and put his jacket on before continuing the walk to his school.

He arrived at his school later, and saw that every girl eyed him in envy while he walked into the school hall. It was odd, he thought as he gave them 'what the hell is your problem?' look.

"Byun Baekhyun, please report to the headmaster's office immediately. I repeat, Byun Baekhyun, please report to the headmaster office immediately." A woman's voice was heard from the intercom.

'What the hell? I don't think that I have done anything wrong.' Baekhyun shouted inwardly as he walked towards the headmaster's office. He knocked on the door before slipping in.

"What do you need from me, Sir?" Baekhyun asked his headmaster.

"Well, it isn't me that wants to meet you, but him," his headmaster answered and pointed to a door as the door cracked open and the person who wanted to meet his shown himself.

It was none other than Park Chanyeol, heir of Park Enterprise. Baekhyun's eyes darkened when he saw the man. 'Heh, who does he think he is?' Baekhyun screamed inside his head, ignoring the confused look he received from the old man.

"I don't think I know him, Sir." Baekhyun said as he faced his headmaster.

"He said that he wanted to meet you, Mr. Byun," his headmaster tried to convince him to talk to the man.

He didn't give a damn about it. "If you don't need anything from me, I will excuse myself then," He said. Then he walked towards the door that would lead his outside from this room. When he was about to reach for the doorknob, the older stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"Could you move, please?" Baekhyun spat.

"No, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said.

"Excuse me, please. I don't know who you are," Baekhyun said once again, trying to rein his anger in.

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