박찬열 ft. 변백현

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Baekhyun couldn't hold his tears any longer, so he let them run down his angelic face. He nodded his head in response. He didn't know that the midnight blue-brunette haired man had been through such pain. He had punished himself because he asked his to kill their son. He also had asked someone to monitor them – although he was angry at him because he had acted like goddamned stalker, he was happy that he had learned so much about his and their son; from his name, birthday, favorite color, and favorite food. He knew about the little boy so much.

"Baekhyun, I love you, back then until now," Chanyeol confessed to hism once again. He hoped that Baek could give him a second chance to make him happy, to make their son happy, and to build a great family. "Will you be my fiancée? We could stay engaged as long as you want. We will get married once you're ready. Also, I want to make up for the time with Baekhee that I've lost for the past two years. Will you give me a second chance?

He nodded his head. To tell you the truth, he had always loved Chanyeol. That was why he didn't want to forgive him or be near him; because he could affect his so much.

Chanyeol hugged and kissed him on the lips; a kiss so soft yet it shared a lot of their emotions. "Thank you, Baekhyun, for the second chance you've given me," he whispered into his ear, making the younger one cry more. "I'll try my best to make you and our son happy, even though I'm not a perfect boyfriend or fiancé, but I'm willing to try to become perfect for you and Baekhee."

"Mwommy?" a cute voice called the raven's name when they were about to kiss again. Baekhyun quickly backed himself away from Chanyeol's lap and rushed towards his son.

"What happened?" He asked Baekhee while he hugged him and brought him to the couch.

"Nothing, I just have a gwood dream," he told his mother.

"What is it?" He asked again curiously.

"I dream that Dwaddy and Mwommy and I live in a big house and hwappy!" the two years old bubbled giddily.

"Do you want a daddy?" Baekhyun asked him.

"Yes, I want a dwaddy, Dwaddy can play with me!" Baekhee exclaimed.

He then pointed at Chanyeol. "Do you want him as your father?"

"Yes, he is my dwaddy! I have a dwaddy!"

"Come here, Baekhee," Chanyeol gestured for the little boy to come closer to him and he hugged the child tight. "You're my son from here on – no, from the time you were born. Your name isn't Byun Baekhee anymore; you're Park Baekhee, the next heir to Park Enterprise and son of Park Chanyeol."

A grin spread across Baekhee's face. "I have dwaddy and mwommy now!" he said happily.

Chanyeol hugged the raven along with his son – their son. "You'll move to my house tomorrow," he said.

"Okay," He answered and gave Chanyeol a peck on his lips.

"Ew, cooties! Mwommy, cooties!" Baekhee shouted as the two teenage parents chuckled.

One month later...

"Chanyeol, hurry up! You don't want to be late for your wedding right?" Sehun, his best man shouted.

After being engaged for a month, they finally decided to get married. Baekhyun would finish his high school next month and go to university while Chanyeol, himself would inherit Park Enterprise from his father.

His parents welcomed Baekhyun and Baekhee so much. In fact they scolded him about being stupid. Well, they loved his wife and son so much just like him while his brother shouted something around 'Finally, the idiotic couple could be together!' once Baekhyun moved into our house.

"Chanyeol, hurry up! You have to stand at the altar right now," Sehun announced.

Chanyeol nodded his head and walked down the aisle before standing in front of the altar, waiting for his beautiful bride. Then a wedding march started to play softly. Chanyeol turned his body around and looked at the raven who was currently walking down the aisle with his father beside him.

He was stunning and beautiful in his white wedding suit. He was lucky to have such a beautiful boy as his wife.

He arrived beside him later and his father handed him his small hands as the taller took over, facing the priest completely.

"Please say your vows to each other." The priest stated.

"Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate, their one true love. Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones because I found you.

I love you Byun Baekhyun, I know you are the only one for me, my one true love. I am happy and I am grateful that you came into my life, that when others have spent their entire lives looking for the other one, I have found you. And now that I have found you, I shall never let you go. I promise you Baekhyun, that I shall hold you and cherish you, and give you my heart, that I shall support you and care for you along with our son. Faithfully, I shall always stand steadfast by your side with your hand in mine, regardless of what life would bring us. I take you now as my wife and I shall remain so for the rest of my life," Chanyeol said his vows while Baekhyun let tears streaming down his face.

"My beloved Chanyeol, do you remember the first day we met? From the very moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me, the one I knew I had to spend the rest of my life with. The problems we face shall make our bonds grow stronger and stronger each day.

Our courtship was one of the best times of my life, for you have become not just my lover, but also my best friend.

I want to be your lover, your companion and your best friend for the rest of my life. I promise to love and cherish you, to keep you close with faithfulness, to be your prop and helpmate in times of need, to make you laugh and top hold you when you cry, to hold you in the highest honor and respect as you so deserve, for the rest of my life," Baekhyun said his vows.

"Now I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest said.

Chanyeol leaned towards his wife, closing their distance and planted a soft kiss on his lips. After they parted away, their son rushed towards them and hugged both of his parents.

"I have dwaddy and mwommy. I'm hwappy!" Baekhee exclaimed while the other people chuckled at his action.

"Now, say cheese!" Baekhyun's mom said and captured their family photos.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun on their wedding tuxes with Baekhee in their embrace wearing a white tux like his father and mother. Chanyeol kissed his bride on his cheek while Baekhyun gasped and Baekhee smiled brightly. They looked cute together, didn't they?


"Regret" is officially finished~

I'll miss this story so much and I hope you enjoy the story guys!

Also, I hope you guys satisfied with the ending, fluffy Baekyeol ft. Baekhee... 

My first Baekyeol story is done, I really want to thanks all of you who have support this story right from the start 'till the end!

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