☆The Plane☆

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(A/N Mickey Lawley will be replacing Chachi Gonzales from I.aM.mE!!! She looks just like chachi but her personality and past are almost completely different! If you don't like that don't read this story! Also Madison and Mikey are sixteen but the rest of the boys are the same age they were when they went on ABDC! If you don't know who chachi is, there should be a photo above, if not just look up Chachi Gonzales! I hope you enjoy!)

"Don't wake me uppppppp!" I heard Wake me up by chris brown scream at me from my phone.
I groaned and rolled over on to my stomach while reaching out trying to find my phone that was on the night stand beside my bed.
My fingers skimmed over the screen protecter and immediatly picked up the Samsung galaxy S5 and brought it to my face.
I squinted my eyes and saw it was my alarm.
Get Ready! Plane leaves in an hour!
I sighed and pushed the okay button before connecting my phone to my Bluetooth speakers and turned on Hold it Against me by Britney Spears.
I slowly got up from my bed and shuffled towards my closet.
I grabbed some clothes and my makeup before heading into my bathroom.
I undressed and hopped into the shower. I cleaned my hair, shaved and washed by body before getting out and drying off.
I wrapped on my towels around my waist and put another one on my head.
I quickly sat down and began rubbing in Vanilla Cherry lotion all over.
I rubbed it all in before changing in to my undergarments, black skinny jeans, a white and black flag t-shirt, and red and black flannel wrapped around my waist, a red belt, bunch of braclets, a cross necklace and threw on some fingerless leather gloves.
I quickly blow dried my hair and brushed it before curling it.
I quickly put in my chain cuff earrings and then put on some silver eyeshadow with some mascara and eyeliner.
I grabbed my batman knapsack and shoved my beats, phone, camera, gum, etc. In it before skipping downstairs.
I grabbed a poptart from my cabinet and then grabbed my 3 suitcases and walking outside to my black mustang.
I threw my suitcases in the back and hopped in the front seat before leaving the hotel and driving off towards the airport.
I smiled as I remembered why I was heading to the airport.
"Abdc here I come"

I stopped halfway through our routine and turned to see Moon had started a flip too early and fell on Pacman.
I quickly helped Moon up and made sure Pacman was okay.
"You guys okay?" 747 (A.K.A. Branden) asked.
"Yeah he just landed on my hand. My fingers are just a little tingly" He winced.
"I'll go get some ice" Jaja said as she walked out of the dance room.
I grabbed Pacman hand and looked over his fingers.
"Ouch, I think your gonna have some bruises on her hand " I sighed dropping his hand.
Suddenly Millie ran in to the room with a huge grin on the face.
"Guess who just made it to season six of ABDC!" He exclaimed as Jaja came back in with a ice pack.
My jaw dropped and I looked at him with wide eyes.
"For real?!" I exclaimed as we all yelled happily and jumped around.
" he laughed and nodded.
I squealed and we all group hugged.
"This is epic!!" Moon exclaimed as we pulled away.
I grinned.
"When do we leave?" Jaja asked.
"Thursday" Millie grinned.
"Thursday? Today's Tuesday Why'd they call us just now?" 747 asked.
"A crew dropped out and we were next on line!" Millie exclaimed..
I nodded.
"This is so awesome. I'm 15 and already going to be on TV!"I exclaimed.
"You'll be the youngest girl to ever be on ABDC" Pacman smiled.
"How about we all go out to eat? Dinners on me!" Moon suggested.
We all cheered and got ready to go.

I was pulled out of my trance and realized the light was green and i was holding up the traffic.
I quickly pushed my foot down on the pedal and continued my drive to the airport.
Suddenly my phone went off.
I glanced at the passenger seat and saw my bright blue vans off the wall knapsack.
I sighed remembering that my phone was in the bag.
I sure i was the road wasn't too crowded before taking one of my hands off the wheel and reached into my bag.
I pulled my phone out and quickly looked back up at the road.
I quickly looked back down at my phone and saw a message from JaJa.
Hey, we got on an early flight. Yours is still st the same time. We'll meet you in L.A x- Jaja
I sighed and replied with an 'ok ' before tossing my phone back on the passenger seat.
I stared at the road ahead of me while slowly turning up the radio to the max as Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes came on.
I sang/ rapped every single lyric as loud as I could, making sure none of the windows were open.
After the song was over I grabbed my poptart from my bag and began eating them, carefully.
Suddenly the song changed to Habits as I parked in the airport parking lot.
I turned down the radio before turning off the car and pulling out my keys.
I quickly finished my poptart and three the wrapper in and plastic bag that was wrapped around the seat arm rest for garbage.
I opened the door of my car and put my phone and keys in my pocket and then put my knapsack on my back.
I locked my doors before getting my bags out of the trunk.
I let out a quiet grumble before walking in to the airport.
I pulled my phone out and looked down at it as I checked my twitter.

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