Chapter 16

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(A/N- I'm skipping the whole plane ride)
Madi's POV-
I arrived back at the O2L house. As I walk through the door, Jc and Trevor were standing there.

"Hey? Where's Lily?" I said stepping in the house.

"Oh my god Madi! We have to go!" Jc said pushing me back out the door. We were all on the way to the hospital.

"Why'd you come back?" Jc whispered.

"Lily, she called me. She said goodbye then hung up. I was worried."

"I'm glad you came back lil sis." Jc smiled. I totally forgot about Trevor being in the back until, "Madi?"

"Yeah Trev?" I said looking back at him.

"What if she's dead?"

"She's not. Kian texted me and said they found her but with a very slow pulse. She can't be. Kian saved her."

Trevor slid his hand in mine, "Promise me, you won't ever do anything like that."

"You better be promising." Jc spoke.

"Justin! You know I don't have that in me." I mumbled at the end, "Anymore."

We all smiles and then we arrived at the hospital, we all walked in Lily's room. There she was, laying down, broken. I can't stand to see her like this.

Everyone stayed silent, until a very raspy voice spoke, "Hey there weirdos, stop moping around."

Everyone's head shot up. It was Lily. We all smiled then Connor walked over to her and hugged her.

"What were you thinking?!" Connor said worried.

"Not like any of you would care, didn't even notice I was gone." She was depressed, I could tell and it all my fault.

"It's not our fault that you've been hiding in your room for the past week." Trevor said.

"Shut the fuck up Moran, I don't care what you have to say right now." She was mad. I feel bad.

"You guys should've just left me there. I was better off there anyway." Lily said looking over at Sam and Kian.

Everyone was really quiet. Then I spoke.

"Lily?" I asked. "Who is Thomas?"

Connor shook his head, but then Lily spoke, "He was my little brother. My best friend. Until he died."

Everyone was shocked as Lily told us the story about Thomas. She told us what happen, and how Trevor broke her heart.

"My mind went black and I had no control over what I was doing." Lily spoke once more. Then we all went in for hugs.

We all took turns hugging Lily, once Trevor came to get his hug from her... She gave him the cold shoulder. Ouch.

Soon the doctor came in, "You lost a lot of blood Lily. We need to put more in you." The doctor and Connor started to talk. I looked over at Trevor.

"Trevor, can I talk to you in the hallway?" He nodded and we went in the hall.

"What's up?"

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