A Party Song

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I creeped along the bit of flat roof that attached my house to the other houses at either side of me. Sure it was dangerous, but I didn't care. Luckily Mike had left his window open over night, I dropped the bag I was holding down quietly and the crept through the window trying to avoid making noise. Mike was still asleep, I watched him for a few seconds - he was so cute when he slept.

"Happy Birthday" I screamed, jumping on his bed.

I heard him mumble incoherently and then sit up and rub his eyes. A groan escaped from his mouth.

"It's so early babe" He mumbled.

"It's nearly twelve and we have a lot of celebrating, it's not everyday you turn seventeen" I grinned.

"Come lie down and sleep for a while, then we can celebrate" He whined, tugging at my elbow.

I lay my head down on his chest.

"Fine, but I guess I'll just throw out these presents out first" I joked.

"You got me presents?" He said, sitting up.

I lifted the bag up from the floor and shook it. "Maybe" I laughed.

"Did you come in the window?" He laughed.

"I may have perhaps took an alternative way to get here" I smiled.

"Holly that's so dangerous, what if you had've fallen?" He asked.

"Then you would have woken up to screaming and a large crash instead of 'happy birthday' and presents" I laughed.

He shot me a disapproving look.

"Calm down gramps and open your presents" I smiled.


We lay snuggled up in his bed, shivers went down my spine as he stroked my back. I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten, not that I'd ever tell the big goof that. Things hadn't always been smooth sailing and I'm sure they won't always be - but I'm happy with where we were right now.

"So what's the plans for today?" Mike asked.

"You mean the special birthday plans?" I grinned. "Well first we are off to the mall".

"Why are we going to the mall? I hate shopping" Mike said, shooting me a confused look.

"Because I wanna hit the smoothie bar, I have a crazy craving for a strawberry and banana smoothie" I replied.

"Again? How many have you had this week?" He asked.

"It's not my fault" I groaned.


We spent the whole day visiting Mike's favourite places, after getting my smoothie of course. I had to keep him occupied, it was my job, since Vic was at home getting the surprise party ready.

As we pulled up back in our street, I hoped everything had gone to plan. Did Vic remember everything and everyone? Of course he had recruited Tony and Jaime to help out, but with the three of them it could either go really well or horribly. I walked slowly up the steps to his house, trying to kill time in case they needed it. Mike was a good few footsteps ahead of me, as I walked practically in slow motion.

"Were you planning on getting to the top today?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Maybe, maybe not - there's a lot of steps here" I replied.

Mike grabbed my hand and pulled me up, observing that the door was open so Vic must be home.

"SURPRISE" Everyone shouted.

"Jesus" Mike gasped, stumbling backwards and beginning to laugh.

Vic came walked over and patted his shoulder, laughing with him. I spotted Jaime and Tony patting a balloon in the air - back and forth - like two children. Also a bunch of people from our school, of course Vic made sure the people who had made their opinions clear on us, weren't invited. Most of them were Mike's friends, who I knew from meeting a few time. Some of Vic's friends were here too.

"I got to say Fuentes, I doubted your party planning skills but you did a good job" I laughed.

"Well thank you, this party is pretty great if I do say so myself" He grinned.

One of Mike's friends Jack, sauntered over placing a drink in both Mike and Vic's hands. I watched as Mike glanced at me, as if asking for consent. We'd come a long a way from that Mike who ended up in a hospital bed.

"It's your birthday" I said shrugging. "Just don't go over board".


The party was in full swing, I sat on the couch, I watched Tony guard the bowl of chips whilst Mike and Vic were laughing with a group of their friends. I didn't realise how different a party looked without alcohol. I felt myself start to drop off, I glanced at my phone to see the time was only 11pm - I was really living the teenage dream.

"I know how you feel, I don't really drink either" Jaime said, plopping down beside me.

"Well I know why I'm not drinking, why aren't you?" I asked.

"Well I don't see the point in getting wasted beyond believe during the so called best years of my life. I have the rest of my life to drink as much as I want to" He chuckled.

I seen his point, I was also thankful I wasn't the only sober one at this party.

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