A Cheap Bouquet

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As I allowed my eyes to adjust from the blurry effect the bandana has given me I glanced around. We were at the park, my favourite place in the whole town - and Mike knew that. But it wasn't just the regular part, on the ground there was a blanket and a basket, which I was going to be really disappointed about if it wasn't filled with food. It was so simple yet so perfect, as the sun around us had begun to go down.

"What do you think?" Mike said.

I continued glancing around me, it was such an amazing idea. And I was glad he hasn't gone all out as well, I knew he wasn't exactly rolling in cash.

"Oh God, you hate it don't you? I can take you to a restaurant if you prefer?" He said.

"No!" I exclaimed, "this is so much better than a restaurant, thank you".

He pulled me towards him, putting his arms around me. He planted a quick kiss on my lips then pulled away.

"Thank God" he laughed. "Believe it or not I'm not exactly experienced with the whole first date thing".

"Seriously Mike, it's perfect. I couldn't ask for anymore" I grinned, "now come on, lets go eat"

I ran over to the blanket, pulling Mike by the hand behind me.


We had been sitting in the park for a few hours, it was beginning to get cold but I didn't care - I didn't ever want this night to end. Mike and I were lying side by side, the food was long gone. Leaving us staring at the sky that was rapidly getting darker and darker. Mike held up his hand, for me to grab it. I snaked our fingers together and smiled as I did so. The cold air blew over my face, causing me to shiver slightly.  

"Come here" he said smirking at my shiver.

"You never told me how it took us so long to get here in the car" I laughed remembering the fifteen minute long journey, to a place just around the corner from us.

"Yeah, I just wanted to confuse you" he said sticking his tongue out.

He pulled me closer, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, praying that this night would never end. I knew my parents had expected me home half an hour ago, but this was worth getting a lecture. I wondered how I had managed this. When I left Philly I had expected to arrive in this town and be completely friendless and alone. Yet here i was, with a completely perfect boyfriend.

I felt a drop of water hit my forehead, I sat up startled. It was followed by numerous other drops, a few on my legs and arms. The rain got heavier and heavier.

"C'mon let's get out of here" Mike said helping me up.

We ran back to the car, I held the picnic blanket over my head - trying to stay dry. While Mike carried the picnic basket, by the time we made it back to the car, the rain was the heaviest I had ever seen in San Diego.


We looked at our two houses as they stared back at us. Neither of us wanted to go home, this night wasn't ready to end. Despite the fact I had the blanket around me I was still soaked and Mike was worse. My hair was plastered to my face and my teeth were chattering from being cold. Mike caught a glance at me and threw me one of his perfect smiles, an award winning smile even. He leaned over and kissed me, the kiss got deeper and deeper as Mike ran his hands through my hair. I pulled apart, just for a second, our foreheads still touching.

"Don't leave me tonight" I whispered.

He reconnected our lips and then pulled away, much like I did 30 seconds ago.

"I wouldn't dream of it" he smiled.

I followed him up the steps to his house, it was now 11pm and I was supposed to be home by 10pm. He pulled me through the living room and into the dining room where he left he picnic basket. Next, we headed for the stairs, bumping into Vic as we did so.

"Hey guys" he smiled.

As far as brothers went, Vic was pretty much perfect. He was always driving us to school, making sure Mike had everything before he left the house, not to mention teaching Mike how to drive. He was basically the complete opposite of my brother.

"Hi Vic" I smiled back.

"Good night?" He said elbowing Mike jokily.

Mike looked down laughing and shaking his head, Vic headed down the stairs as we made our way up to Mike's room.  

"Here" Mike said throwing me a pair of shorts and a top from his very unorganised wardrobe.

I text my mum and dad to let them know I was back at Mike's, then turned my phone of before they could tell me to come home.

I peeled my wet top of me, as Mike went to tell his parents he was home. I was very conscious that I was standing there in just my bra. I looked in Mike's mirror, I was of average build. My figure wasn't great, I was pretty curvy which I was always hated but my stomach was flat - and I was proud of that. I fiddled with a scar I had from when I was fourteen and had to get my appendix out. I felt two arms snake around me and Mike rest his head on my shoulder. He kissed my jaw, then flashed me a smile.

"How'd you do that?" He asked.

"I got my appendix out, I hate it, it's ugly" I laughed shaking my head.

Mike spun me around, hands on both my shoulders. "Everything about you is beautiful" he said.

I crashed my lips against his, we kissed more passionately than ever before. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, our lips still locked together. We fell on the bed, as Mike began kissing down my jaw reaching my neck. I felt my breathing falter, i stifled a moan that was on the edge of my tongue. He began to kiss down my chest, heading for my stomach. Underneath him, I wriggled out of my tights and skirt - leaving me in just my underwear. Feeling conscious I unbuttoned Mike's shirt, throwing it to the side when I was done. I took a minute to appreciate his body, I had seen it plenty of times before, but not like this. I kissed his well defined collar bones, now making my way up his neck. Mike let out the moan that I managed to hold back.

He now pulled off his jeans, throwing them to same direction his shirt went. By this stage we both knew where this was going. Yet I couldn't stop, I wanted him, badly. We both weren't virgins which meant nothing about it was gentle. He pulled off my underwear and I braced myself as he entered me. As he thrust, now i was finding it hard to stifle my moans. I knew Vic and his parents were only downstairs, so I bit down on my hand as he thrusted again. My hips worked with his, as he let out a small moan.


I wrapped my arms around him, we were both hot and out of breath - still remembering five minutes ago. I counted his heart beats, until they slowed down back to the normal pace. I couldn't believe how attached I felt to him, how completely infatuated I was. He kissed my forehead and began tracing circles on my lower back.

"Stay with me tonight" he said.

I nodded smiling, I couldn't go home after that.

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