If You Can't Hang

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I woke up to some noises downstairs, I prepared myself to go and tell my family off when I realised I wasn't in my own house. I looked to my left to see Mike sleeping, turned away from me. His back moving gently up and down, a grin graced my face as I remembered last night. I cuddled into Mike, kissing his back as I did so, causing him to stir in his sleep.

"Too early" he murmured, now facing me with sleepy eyes.

"Mike it's nearly twelve o'clock" I replied.

"Yeah well I had a busy night" he smirked.

I laughed in return and watched as his eyes flickered shut again. I snuggled into his bare chest and he put his arm around me, I then realised that I could easily stay there forever. That is if I hadn't realised my desperate need for the toilet. I wriggled out of Mike's arms.

"Going to the toilet" I whispered.

To which I received a murmur, Mike wasn't a morning person.

I threw on the shirt and shorts he handed me last night, after all - I wasn't going down in just my underwear. I creeped down the stairs, feeling a little awkward waking up in someone else's house.

As i finished in the bathroom I bumped into Vic.

"Fancy seeing you here" he smirked.

I laughed.

"Where's Mike?" He asked, heading to the living room where I followed.

"Still asleep" I laughed.

"Lazy shit" I heard him murmur, which got him more laughs from me.

"So how was your night?" He asked.

"It was amazing" I smiled.

"Mike was freaking out before he left, that you wouldn't like it as much as a big typical restaurant date" Vic replied.

"It was a million times better than a restaurant date" I smiled.

Vic sat down on the sofa, "holly?" He said.

"Yeah?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Don't hurt him" he said, now seriously.

"What do you mean Vic? I would never think of doing that" I said.

"Yeah I know, and it sounds stupid but I'm really protective over him. He's my little brother, well in age any ways" he said throwing in a laugh. "I just don't want to see him hurt".

"You have nothing to worry about Vic, I would never intentionally hurt him" I said.

"Good, I'm glad. Out of all Mike's girlfriends, you are definitely my favourite" he smiled. "And I'm pretty sure you are Mike's favourite too".

"Thanks Vic" I smiled. "And really you think so?" I asked, suddenly unable to wipe this stupid grin off my face.

"Definitely, I can tell how much he likes you. Which is why I was so worried about you hurting him" Vic replied.

The grin got bigger, I was happy if Mike even liked me half as much as I liked him. I heard footsteps, followed by a sleepy Mike.

"Hey what's going on?" He said, rubbing at his eyes.

"Nothing" I smiled, "we were just talking about you" I joked.

He made a sarcastic face back to me in return.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess" I shrugged, the was an element of awkwardness of asking for food in someone else's house.

"I'll make you something" Mike smiled.

"Mike sit down, we don't want a fire in the house" Vic said standing up. "I'll make you both something, bacon okay?"

I nodded, adding a thank you on the end. Mike replaced Vic on the sofa and pulled me into his lap, resting his head on my shoulder. It really just hit me how much I loved this stupid goofy guy and it also sort of scared me, but in the best way possible.


"I don't want you to go" Mike said pulling at me, with the intention of getting me to lie down again.

After breakfast we headed back to his room, where we just played on his Xbox for a good hour. I realised that I had my phone was off since last night and then when I went home, I was walking into a world of trouble. But I'd rather face that sooner or later.

"I don't wanna go either" I said pecking him on the lips. "But I have to leave eventually".

"No you don't, just move in here" he said in a whiny voice, beginning to act like a spoilt child who wasn't getting his way.

"Listen, I'll text you and you can call me later. Besides you can catch up on all that sleep from that 'busy night'" I laughed.

He laughed and nodded, not letting me leave without a kiss.


I stood outside my house, un sure what to expect. I walked in and it was fairly quiet, I was still in Mike's clothes, carrying my wet ones from last night. There was no-one in the living room, so I walked through to the kitchen. I could hear my brothers bickering upstairs, but there was no sign of my Mom. My dad however sat with his back to me at the breakfast table, drinking what looked like coffee.

"Where's Mom?" I asked.

"Oh um, she's out" he mumbled. Completely ignoring the fact I was out all night. Something was completely wrong here. I headed upstairs to my brothers, hoping they would have some insight. I headed for Luke's too first, where I surprisingly found both my brothers.

"Holly!" Corey exclaimed, noticing me first.

"Oh hey you're home" Luke said turning to look at me.

"Guys what happened? Why's Dad all mopey? And where's Mom?" I asked.

I watched them glance at each other, as if they were talking in their own language.

"Holly" Corey began. "Mom and dad were fighting loads last night and Mom left".

My stomach churned "what do you mean she left?"

I'd Rather Die Than Be in LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat