Who Are You Now

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I glanced at the clock, it was Saturday night and I wasn't spending another night waiting around for Mike. I had plans to head to the cinema with Jaime and get some food after. Jaime was due to arrive to pick me up in half an hour. I sat cross legged on my floor, slightly curling the ends of my hair. I heard a knock on my window, my heart sunk. Turning around, I saw Mike crouched at my window. I flicked the handle and pulled the window open to allow him access.

"Hey babe" He smiled, jumping down on to the floor.

"Hey" I said, pulling the curlers through my hair one more time.

"I thought we could hang out tonight, watch a movie or something" He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't sorry, I'm going out" I told him.

"What, who with?" Mike asked.

"Jaime, we're going to see a movie" I told him.

"Can you not just blow him off? We've barely got to spend any time together lately" Mike whined.

The anger surged through, half of me wanted to agree and cuddle up in bed with him. But the other half was angry, he didn't get to just choose when I was his girlfriend and when I wasn't.

"Well who's fault is that, Mike?" I growled.

"I know I've been out a lot lately but-" Mike began to protest.

"There's no but about it, you've blown me off and ignored me enough. I have other friends you know? People who actually want to spend time with me and won't change their mind a the last minute" I said back.

"If you're gonna be like that, I'm just gonna head home" He said, heading for the window.

"Acting like what? Mike I don't need this right now, you said you were gonna be there for me"

I heard him sigh and then exit out my window. Which I was glad of, a few more minutes and I might have actually caved.


"So what did you think?" I asked Jaime.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean I enjoyed it but some of those jokes, eeesh".

We walked along discussing the movie we had just seen, as we headed to the diner around the corner.

"Ah I want a hamburger and fries, or maybe a pizza" I thought out loud as we crossed the road.

"Sure why not just get everything on the menu?" Jaime joked.

"Hey I have an excuse, I'm eating for two" I laughed.

We were about a block away from the diner when we passed a loud group of guys, we heard them before we seen them. They walked along smoking, holding beer bottles and being extremely loud. I was mentally insulting them until I noticed my boyfriend in the midst of the crowd.

"Keep walking" I muttered to Jaime, dragging him by the elbow of his jacket.

I concentrated on the ground, hoping we could just get around the corner without being noticed, when all of a sudden:

"Holly" I heard.

I carried on walking, but Jaime stopped beside me to turn around. As looked around, I saw Mike jogging over. I could tell before he even spoke to me he was wasted.

"Babe" He smiled, "What are you doing here?".

"I told you earlier, I was seeing a movie with Jaime" I said.

The smell of smoke and drink wafted off him, the fact that I was unable to do either of those things right now made it even more annoying.

"Come get some food with us, it'll be fun" He said, grabbing my hand.

"Sorry I'm getting some food with Jaime, then I'm going home" I said sternly.

"You'd have more fun with us" He said, continuing to drag me.

I shook my head, "Mike".

Jaime, clearly noticing I was beginning to get distressed, stepped in between us.

"C'mon Mike, just go back to your friends" Jaime said.

"Don't tell me what to do" Mike slurred back.

Even when he was drunk he managed to keep how hard headed he was all the time.

"Holly tell him to stop telling me what to do" He said.

"Mike, just get out of here" I said, beginning to walk off.

Jaime caught up, as I looked around Mike was retreating back to his friends who had congregated around the wall outside the store just ahead. I wonder if he'd even remember this tomorrow.

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